Principles for Buying Your First Car

5 fundamentals to help weigh your options and make your decision

So you’re in the market for your first (or third) car. So sorry. πŸ˜₯

OK, not really. I just didn’t want to say, “Congratulations!” πŸ™„

Whether you buy new or used, whether you buy something to last a long time or something to get you by for now, whether you buy with cash or with credit — use these five principles to help you weigh your options and make your decision:

  1. Don’t buy more than you need
  2. Try to avoid debt
  3. Don’t presume on income in the long haul
  4. Beware of pride
  5. Dependable first, looks last

That’s kinda skeletal, so let’s beef them up just a bit… Read it all

2013 Things To Do in 2013

The key to resolutions (new year's or otherwise) is to make them when they need to be made. If you need to do something different, don't wait til January 1.

I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions.

I also do…

  • Old Year’s Resolutions. (They happen toward the end of a year.)
  • New Day’s Resolutions
  • New Week’s Resolutions
  • Today’s Middle-of-the-Day’s Resolutions

The key to making effective resolutions is to make them when they need to be made. If you need to do something different or new, don’t wait til January 1!

Without regard to this post’s title, some items on my 2013 To Do list: Read it all

Dorcas Smucker Book Winner

Some happy soul won free copy of Dorcas Smucker's latest book, Tea and Trouble Brewing. Congratulations didn't think I'd give a sneak preview, did you?

To all of you who read my review of Dorcas Smucker’s new book Tea and Trouble Brewing, thank you!

To all of you who entered the drawing for a free copy of that book, thank you!

To Dorcas Smucker, who graciously commented on my review and who generously provided the book to give away, thank you!

To Research Randomizer, which provided the winning number, thank you! (Disclaimer: I didn’t properly vet that site. If it’s a bad one, I hope Zone Alarm and Microsoft Security Essentials did their jobs!)

Now, here’s the winning number! Read it all

Dorcas Smucker Book Drawing Winding Down

Last call to enter to win Dorcas Smucker's new book, Tea and Trouble Brewing.

I expect to choose a winner the day after tomorrow.

At this point, it appears 31 people have entered the drawing for Dorcas Smucker’s newest book: Troubles in a Tea Pot. Actually, that is not the title.

For the correct title (and to enter the drawing), just click that pretend title.

Above all, love God!