Do Iran and NoKo Give Him Hope?


In an open letter, Saddam Hussein told Iraqis “victory was at hand” and urged insurgents to show magnanimity to opponents, saying he himself forgave Iraqis who aided the killers of his two sons.

In the letter dictated to his chief lawyer Khalil Dulaimi during a four-hour meeting on Saturday in his prison, the former Iraqi leader also said Iraqis should put aside differences and set only one goal – to drive U.S. troops out of

“Victory is at hand but don’t forget that your near-term goal is confined to liberating your country from the forces of occupation,” Saddam said in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters on Sunday.

Full UNspeed Ahead

Underscoring the value of urgent resolutions:

And it urges North Korea to speedily implement a September 2005 agreement in which it pledged to give up its nuclear program in exchange for aid and security guarantees.

A year later and they are still urging the North Koreans to speedily implement something?

Don’t they realize how silly it sounds?

Yet so many folks still take UN resolutions seriously.

Of course I don’t do so hot at living by my own New Year’s resolutions.

But at least I don’t pretend to try to foist them on someone else.

Oh well.

Set It Up!

¡Viva Border Volleyball!:

This is also a geopolitically divided beach, purposefully hidden, a DMZ in miniature where the men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol would prefer no distractions as they monitor the fence of metal pylons that draws a 20-foot-tall line in the sand all the way into the sea.

It is the perfect beach, in other words, for the world’s first game of international border volleyball.

What’s with World Magazine?!

From their blog regarding advertising: Jesus Camp

I received a letter complaining about the ad for the movie “Jesus Camp” that can be seen in the left column of this page. The new issue of World has a critical review of the documentary, but we don’t ban an ad just because we dislike a movie. As our statement in the right column (down a way) indicates, we believe strongly in free speech.

Sounds flimsy to me.

Maybe strange, too.

Are they on a slippery slope?

I’ll still read World, but I’m now much more wary of them.

Above all, love God!