BK Ticket 2510

What was that?!

Well, the Burger King here near Gate B3 at Sky Harbor International Airport (Phoenix, AZ) claims it was a BK Fish Fillet ($4.29 prior to taxation without representation).

I purchased it about 24 minutes ago. It took me nigh to 20 of those minutes to eat it.

Wow, was it ever tough!

Before I bit into it, I reminded myself to be careful. It wouldn’t do for this international traveler to get zapped in the mouth with hot fish juices. No need to worry. This alleged fish was nowhere near zapping temperature.

Ah, well. It was food.

And it was unique. To my recollection, never in my fast food fish sandwich experience have I had one to match the one I was hooked by here.

So if you ever wander by this Burger King here and you’re inclined to have a fish sandwich, be sure to ask if it’s tough and cold.

Now I really should get over to that gate where my flight is supposed to start boarding in another eight minutes.


From Israel:

Amid mounting fears that Iran is planning to obliterate their country, wealthy Israelis are shelling out on underground nuclear shelters in the gardens of their luxury homes.

Are these guys (and gals, as the full story indicates) stringing dots together and jumping to wrong conclusions? And therefore, to errant actions?

From Nigeria:

A Nigerian airliner reportedly carrying 104 people, including the country’s Muslim spiritual leader, crashed Sunday shortly after taking off during a storm from the airport in Abuja.

First thoughts: Oh no! Not again! May God be with those that grieve.

Then these thoughts: Will these folks string dots together and jump to wrong conclusions? And therefore, to errant actions? I wonder what the “Muslim street” will do.

Not Just Any Tap

I wouldn’t want this guy to haul off and punch me!

he tapped a Muslim woman on the head, nearly pulling off her headscarf.

Somehow, tapped doesn’t seem to go along with nearly pulling off.


Be that as it may, I’m intrigued by this:

“I understood [it was wrong] immediately after I did it. But even after I apologized, she was still so angry,” he said.

Perhaps the local imam needs to do a little better at teaching forgiveness?

Then I had cause to remember that an American diplomat is saying “Sorry” to somebody. I forget to whom he’s apologizing.

“This represents neither my views nor those of the State Department,” Fernandez added. “I apologize.”

Not his views? Oh. Maybe he was just quoting an as-yet-unidentified someone else?

Like Lorie Byrd wrote:

Saying “sorry” just doesn’t cut it.

Maybe that’s what the Muslim woman thought whose head got tapped.

Time (for Global Warming)

As in Time (the magazine) is for global warming:

One of the most recent examples of hysteria was a special report on global warming published in the April 3, 2006, issue of Time magazine. The article flatly states without any qualifications, “The climate is crashing, and global warming is to blame.” Humans are blamed for global warming, and the potentially harmful effects are emphasized. The article claims that serious debate has quietly ended (although this is untrue) and lists many devastating weather, climate and environmental occurrences. Serious debate has only ended because radical environmentalists now dominate the discussion and malign those who disagree.

The above piece is preceeded in the linked-to article by this:

In fact, 20,000 scientists, of whom about 2,700 of them are physicists, geophysicists, climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers or environmental scientists, who are in a position to understand the global warming issues, have signed the following statement:

Hmm. I guess you’ll have to click the link to see what that statement is. 🙂

Please Elaborate, Mr. President

Bush Honors Muslims at White House Dinner

Bush has hosted an iftar dinner annually for the last six years in the State Dining Room. This year, he opened with the traditional Ramadan greeting of “Ramadan Karim” and praised Islam for bringing “hope and comfort to more than a billion people around the world.”

OK, so some folks would say that doesn’t qualify as separation of church and state.

Whatever. That’s not my issue here.

Rather, I would like to know what hope and comfort Mr. Bush sees Islam offering the world.

In fact, just what does Islam offer the world in a positive, upbuilding way?

Say on the scale of the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.

Dot, Dot, Dot

How would you connect these dots?

Second warning for Muslims to leave US before attack:

Another Pakistani journalist is reporting receiving another threat — this one from a senior Taliban leader — warning all Muslims to leave the U.S. in anticipation of a major terrorist attack before the end of Ramadan.

Warning: Syria preparing for war:

Syrian President Bashar Assad has fortified positions along his country’s border with Israel and is preparing the Syrian army for war with the Jewish state, according to an Israeli Defense Forces assessment released today.

Hamas debates attacks on US:

Members of Hamas are debating whether to carry out attacks against the U.S. in the Middle East following America’s support for the rival Fatah party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, according to a report yesterday in Time Magazine.
Above all, love God!