OK, Pull Up Your Keyboard and Let’s Write a Smashing Craigslist Ad

Read and learn -- and contribute to its improvement...

Google will show you plenty of theories and pointers for writing the perfect Craigslist ad. And Amazon has a few books on the subject as well (for instance, Make Money Posting Ads on Craigslist).

But I’m going to show you a real live unique Craigslist ad-in-the-making. I hope to list it there within 24 hours (just in time to sell the car this weekend, you know).

The rest of this post is The Ad itself. Read it. Study it. Learn from it. And Read it all

Posting About Progressing Pending Posts

Prospective titles for some posts...and some of their sub-points

I’m Waiting to Say aside, I’ve some other posts pressing my pericardium (I think). Earlier this morning I finally started outlining these four:

  • My Three Steps Toward Thankfulness
  • If I Had $50 to Spare
  • Tips for Wannabe Amazon Associates
  • How to Fix My Messed-Up Church

With these as their opening sub-points: Read it all

Would You Know This Papa?

Don't be surprised if you don't!

I wrote some special sentences for my high school Spanish class:

As you can see, I ended up with a nice little story. (I didn’t set out to do that, but things happen.) I should illustrate it.

I struggled for a title:

  • A Potato and a Pope
  • No Hay Papas
  • Of Potatoes and Popes
  • A House Without Papas
  • When a Papa Isn’t What You Expect

Today’s Spanish Class

Featuring a built-by-me quiz over ir, ser, and estar. Plus the usual pronunciation-translation oral drill work.

For my high school Spanish class today, the students are planning to take a written quiz on the proper uses of the present tense conjugations of ir, ser, and estar. That is, they’d better be planning that way; I am!

After that, we’ll do oral pronunciation and translation work using these two lists:

  • paja, fecha, cita, dátil, difícil, fácil, útil, mañana, con, hoy, también, ayer, sin, popote
  • las estaciones del año, primavera, verano, otoño, invierno

And these statements: Read it all

Why Mock Goody Two-Shoes?

Because your own deeds are substandard and your target's righteous?

Goody two-shoes? What does that mean?!

It must be something bad. Really, terribly bad. I’ve never heard anything positive about a goody two-shoes. I’ve never heard anyone aspire to being one. Obviously there’s no good in that kind of goody.

Goody two-shoes are mocked, derided, and scorned. They are held in contempt and as a standard of what not to be.


OK, after writing all that, I looked up the term and found these two helpful entries:

That helps. I’ve even met people like that. And people I thought were like that, but I discovered later my own weakness propelled me to a huge leap onto a wrong, unjust conclusion. Andrée over at World magazine experienced something similar: Read it all

Above all, love God!