Passive Parenting, Benign Neglect

Benign — “good, kindly, benignant, benevolent, tender, humane, gentle, compassionate.”

Someone tell me how neglecting the child(ren) in my care can be described accurately as benign. 😯

I know, I know — we can refer to it as benign in the sense that it is “not malignant.” But still, how is it not a malignant thing to neglect my children? Read it all

What’s Special About This, Google?

Google Street View near Perrysville, IN — except what you see below is looking up.

I have no idea what that is, though apparently it’s near a farm on N County Rd 200 E.

Some other blogger posted a more-zoomed-out version, though I have no clue why. I studied it and failed to find anything particularly outstanding.

Except for this: Read it all

Connected, Fragmented, Scattered…Alone

Our need of community rages deep in our souls.

Even as our engagement with community turns increasingly artificial and imaginary.

So we unwittingly dumb down our definition of community in order to meet our expectations, desperate, stretching, grasping.

And the raging inferno of our need Read it all

Above all, love God!