The following sentence has no closing punctuation. It could be any of these:
- !
- .
- ?
Lies beneath the hood
Mark's Views, Perhaps — from behind my eyeballs
The following sentence has no closing punctuation. It could be any of these:
Lies beneath the hood
What is that all about? 😯
If your computer Windows are broken and the shards are giving you lots of pains, Microsoft has just made Windows 8.1 available for download.
And here’s one paragraph from their blog, Blogging Windows:
Start the way you want. The Start screen in Windows 8.1 is more customizable than ever with new tile sizes, new background designs and colors – allowing you to make the Start screen on your device unique and personal to you (you should see some of the color combinations I’ve come up with for my Start screen!). You can also choose how you start your Windows experience – at the Start screen or the desktop. The Start button is back. And there is an improved Apps view that allows you to see all your apps the way you want.
Better yet, you can purchase the updated windows over at Amazon.
If you use Windows 8, please tell us three things you like about it. And one you don’t.
Certified Refurbished Kindle Touch — $64 — right now and for a limited time
Full disclosure: If you buy one, you anonymously and automatically and painlessly and at-no-extra-costly put 4% in my pocket. 😳
If governments, churches, parents, or employers mandated that, most of us would object. Read it all
You could write an ebook and sell it on Amazon.
I don’t know if either of those verbs launches something truthful about you. However, if you think it does, keep on reading for further inspiration and reassurance. Read it all
I got my weekly (or is it more often than that) sales email from Frys. It has an enticing item or three! But I naturally got curious about Amazon’s prices for the same items.
Of those, two items were $100 less on Amazon!
Canon PowerShot SX160 on Amazon
$179.99 + free shipping
Frys = $199.99 + free shipping 🙁
So on this item, Amazon beats Frys’ sale price . . . easily. Read it all