What WordPress Lost for Me, It Found!

My "Quick Draft" simply vanished!

Last week I wrote a Quick Draft of an idea for a blog post on my ebooks blog. But it vanished without a trace when I clicked Save Draft the first time! 🙁

After searching for it high and low, I gave it up as a loss to a program quirk. It wasn’t much and I didn’t figure it would take me long to reconstruct it. Sometime. 🙄

Well, this evening I saw that WordPress 6.8.3 had been released. I checked to see what it was about and learned…

The “Quick Draft” tool on the dashboard screen was broken in the 3.8.2 update. If you tried to use it, your draft would disappear and it wouldn’t save.

Sooo…that’s what my “misfortune” had been about! I was glad to see the problem had been discovered and fixed.

But I was very impressed by this: Read it all

Avast, ThinkPad, Bible 900, Hungering, XP, and Me

Pre-April-8 priorities brought upon me by Microsoft and hackers

Plagiarists and hackers, Microsoft and Christian Light Publications, children and bill collectors — they’re all having their own say in my day in their own way.

But it’s up to me to weigh my priorities and then arrange them by order of weight.

Among the top things still undone (by me) today… Read it all

I Researched the XP Alternatives and Made My Choice

I'm sticking with Windows XP over Linux, MS DOS, and Win3.1!

A week from tomorrow Microsoft ends support for Windows XP. You know that. Some of the warnings I’ve read remind me of the good old pre-Y2K hysteria.

Dell Dimension 3000 info

I own two XP machines: a 9-year-old Dell Dimension 3000 tower (are they expensive collector’s items yet?) and an almost-8-year-old IBM ThinkPad R51e. I doubt either has the muscle or the brains to run Windows 7 or Window 8.1 well (if at all).

What do I plan to do about their soon-to-be-dangerous-on-the-Internet OS?

Well, I had thought to switch to Linux since I can’t afford to replace either machine with — Wow! I just looked out the window and you ought to see the sunrise-struck clouds against the light-blue sky, all pink and salmon and some-shade-of-orange! — eh, where was I? 🙄

Anyway, so I’d thought to switch to Linux — mint or puppy or loveunto, I didn’t know which. Read it all

Who Can Email You Via Google+?

It depends on whether you leave the new default setting set.

So Google+ is playing catch-up with Facebook again.

Now it’s by allowing people who don’t have your email address send you an email if they have your Google+ address or profile or whatever it’s called.

Quoting from an email from Google early this morning…

Gmail update: Reach more people you know

Ever wanted to email someone you know, but haven’t yet exchanged email addresses? Starting this week, when you’re composing a new email, Gmail will suggest your Google+ connections as recipients, even if you haven’t exchanged email addresses yet.

That seems useful enough. Even innocuous.

But what about people not in your Google+ circles. Can you send them an email too? And much more importantly, can they send you an email?

Of course! Read it all

WordPress: Auto Update 3.7.1

In the background. Seemlessly. Automagically.

I checked my email early yesterday morning and saw this snuggled in the Inbox:

auto update email notification | WordPress
A surprising entry in my email inbox!

History happened while I wasn’t looking! For the first time ever, one of my WordPress installations updated without any attention from me.

I clicked that email in my Inbox listing, and sure enough…

WordPress autoupdate message
Panting Hart, leaping from 3.7 to 3.7.1

So without any action on my part, my devotional blog churned through the WordPress Maintenance Release into 3.7.1 — nice!

I logged into Panting Hart and was greeted with this:

more background autoupdate stuff
Blog Splash Screen Notice

It truly was while I slept!

Though I prefer to maintain control over my sites, I welcome these automatic, background updates to WordPress. Thankfully, major updates aren’t included in this. For instance, December’s projected 3.8 upgrade we’ll still have to do manually.

Again, a huge thumbs-up to WordPress. (And you’re blogging using another platform…why? 😆 )

Google+ Custom URL, Declined

I could have been more than a number on Google+.

I could have become +MarkRoth.

Google Plus Custom URL Offer
I said, “Nope, no deal!”

After scanning through the various TOS (“Terms of Service,” you know), I decided to go for it. Then I hesitated again when I saw this was free for now only and might cost me something later. But I kept on going.

Then Google required my cell phone number. Required! 😯 Read it all

Above all, love God!