to first seek reconciliation
through forgiveness….”
–Jenny Sanford
HT: WorldMagBlog
Mark's Views, Perhaps — from behind my eyeballs
HT: WorldMagBlog
HT: Our Daily Bread
According to someone quoted by Hunter Adams in the June 23 entry in a Barbara Johnson calendar:
Is it true?
At the end of my print reading earlier this morning:
And from my online reading:
“I’m holding one more broken piece from the edifice of pride I’ve tended around my ego….” —Tony Woodlief
“The mistake he sometimes made was in attempting to mandate others to be like him….” —Marvin Olasky
“Came away grateful despite all his sadness and torments….” (Olasky still writing about Calvin)
“Uh. . . what exactly does it mean if an oven is self-cleaning?” —Matt Smucker
What has you reflecting?
What do you do when you discover the hard way that someone you should have been able to trust had a dagger up his sleeve…waiting for your back to be turned?
(Figuratively, of course.)
How do you respond to someone who deals nicely with you to your face…but easily deals treacherously with you otherwise?
“Measure the light. and not the lamp.”
In its context, what a great quote!
Now I’ll modify it and another:
By its light shall you know the lamp.
Now a question for you: What’s the quote I blended in with the first one?