More Than Character Can Handle

Overindulgence is giving your children more than their character can handle, exceeding their ability to manage the blessings with gratefulness.

I have started reading through Dorcas Smucker’s new book, Tea and Trouble Brewing. I get to write a review of it as part of a virtual book tour!

This isn’t that review, but I wanted to call attention to an outstanding excerpt Dorcas uses from another book, Parenting is Heart Work: Read it all

A Heart Caressed

I stood at our dining table not that long ago this evening, droopy of eye and droopy of spirit.

Scanning the table for something different, I saw it: a little, dark blue, hardcover book. Daily Strength for Daily Needs, declares the gold print on the spine.

I opened it randomly. Oh, hey! A day-by-day devotional book. And what, pray tell, might I find for today? Read it all

Choose: Self-Pity or Thanksgiving

Self-pity is one of several self- things from which I ask God to deliver me.

Strangely enough, though, I don’t remember considering that a thankful spirit sweeps away a “negatively self-focused” spirit. Oh, sure, I’ve known (and even taught!) that gratefulness can lift us out of depression and discouragement. But, somehow, I must have missed what being thankful can do to kill being self-pitying.

Then I read Andrée’s piece Read it all

Above all, love God!