A Fall Planting for an Every-Season Harvest

Persist in planting for a good long-term harvest!
What they sowed in the Fall,
we still reap through every season.

Generally, by Fall we’re done with gardening here in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. And we certainly don’t plant our vegetables and tomatoes now.

But my boxed quote above isn’t about autumn crops. Read it all

What WordPress Lost for Me, It Found!

My "Quick Draft" simply vanished!

Last week I wrote a Quick Draft of an idea for a blog post on my ebooks blog. But it vanished without a trace when I clicked Save Draft the first time! 🙁

After searching for it high and low, I gave it up as a loss to a program quirk. It wasn’t much and I didn’t figure it would take me long to reconstruct it. Sometime. 🙄

Well, this evening I saw that WordPress 6.8.3 had been released. I checked to see what it was about and learned…

The “Quick Draft” tool on the dashboard screen was broken in the 3.8.2 update. If you tried to use it, your draft would disappear and it wouldn’t save.

Sooo…that’s what my “misfortune” had been about! I was glad to see the problem had been discovered and fixed.

But I was very impressed by this: Read it all

Dorcas Smucker Book Winner

Some happy soul won free copy of Dorcas Smucker's latest book, Tea and Trouble Brewing. Congratulations to...you didn't think I'd give a sneak preview, did you?

To all of you who read my review of Dorcas Smucker’s new book Tea and Trouble Brewing, thank you!

To all of you who entered the drawing for a free copy of that book, thank you!

To Dorcas Smucker, who graciously commented on my review and who generously provided the book to give away, thank you!

To Research Randomizer, which provided the winning number, thank you! (Disclaimer: I didn’t properly vet that site. If it’s a bad one, I hope Zone Alarm and Microsoft Security Essentials did their jobs!)

Now, here’s the winning number! Read it all

Above all, love God!