William Bennett asks, “Do you know our heroes?”
That fits with a thought I had yesterday.
I personally know a few military veterans. One of them is Mark Hammerness. He and they are to be commended and thanked for serving their country.
But the veterans I have in mind are from a different type of war.
- James and Noreen Roth — Mexico
- Rosana Roth — Mexico, Puerto Rico
- Karen Roth — Mexico
- Marvin and Esther Boss — Mexico
- Joe and Nancy Mast — Mexico
- Raul and Vanita Tadeo — Mexico
- John and Doris Miller — Mexico
- Vince and Marcela Frey — Mexico
- Larry and MaryAnn Taylor — Mexico
- Elmer and Sheila Fehr — Central America, Mexico
- Paul and Dorcas Smucker — Canada
- Steven and Judy Headings — Puerto Rico
- Mark and Enid Boss — Canada, Nigeria
- Maurice and Jane Boss — Canada
- Orpha
Tice Smucker — Puerto Rico
- Maynard and Helen Headings — Honduras, Mexico
- Vivian
Mast Turner — Mexico
- James Kropf — Mexico
- Urie and Delilah Sharp — Guatemala
- Allen and Carolyn Roth — Nicaragua
- Delbert and Joana Birky — Belize
School Teachers
- Noreen
Byers Roth
- Rosana Roth
- Margaret Miller
- Shari
Kropf Roth
- Esther Strubhar
- Dwight Strubhar
- Ron Bontrager
- Dorothy Turner
- Caroline
Smucker Yoder
- Esther
Slaubaugh Wolfer
- Brenda
Beachy Sauder
- Kathryn Schrock
- Lavon
King Kropf
- Danny Hertzler
- Nolan Bechtel
- Mary Strubhar
- Geneva
Allan Yoder
- David Strubhar
- Philip Smucker
- Pat Turner
- Emily Goertzen
- Orpha
Tice Smucker
- Jonathan Kropf
- John Smucker
- Johanna Goertzen
- Maynard Headings
- Sterling Roth
- Raúl Vázquez
- Manuel Torres
- Stanley Troyer
- Joe Mast
And (as far as I know) they’re all alive yet!
Thank you all for your service on the field of battle for the Kingdom of God! Happy Veteran’s Day to all of you.
May there be many more to stand in their place in the ranks!
Important Note: I listed only those who are no longer serving in those particular capacities.