Yellow Stuff in a Jar

And in a bottle:

What is that yellow stuff in the jar?!

I saw that stuff by the kitchen sink late last night. So what was I supposed to do, huh? I took the above photo at 10:45 (Pacific).

Early this morning (at 6:35), it looked somewhat different:

What is that yellow stuff in the bottle?!

So, two questions for you:

  1. What is that stuff?
  2. What’s it for?

Post your answers as comments below. I’ll be back in a couple of days or so to update this post with the answers.

Meanwhile, I’m thankful it works for its intended purpose!

PS: If you’re part of my family, please don’t give away the answer. 🙂

What’s So Great About Cherries?

Well, they look pretty on our trees:

Branches in one of our cherry trees

More cherries in one of our trees

And they taste really good in our mouths. (I ate fresh home-grown ones with my coffee and tea this morning.)

But nutritionally and health-wise, what’s so great about them?

Here are three articles I found on the subject:

We had a good cherry crop. I’m thankful.

Oh, and what’s so great about cherries? Well, they “contain significant amounts of melatonin” and they have a “good combination of antioxidants.” Click the links above for the details.

(I wonder if Michael Jackson ate them at all. I imagine they could have done wonders for his mental and physical health issues. Maybe he had an orchard of them at Neverland, eh?)

Watchful Mother

After I loosed our dog yesterday, I heard the commotion of a killdeer. So I walked in the direction of the noise, saw the bird, and backtracked from it with my gaze.

There they were. Since I had Dora’s camera with 12X zoom, I didn’t have to get too close:

Killdeer eggs

After shooting the eggs, I stood still and watched Mama Killdeer. She gave up pretending to be wounded and started walking toward me:


I stood my ground. Will she attack me?

She didn’t. I held still. I was amazed she finally went all the way to her nest with me standing less than ten feet away!

Killdeer and eggs

What a beautiful bird!

Thank you, Lord! I was so blessed and cheered and encouraged.


It’s June, the very first day thereof!

June — a month with lots of weddings and, presumably, lots of kissing going on.

The sun was rising this morning when I went out to feed the cats, let the hens out, and unchain the dog.

“Kissed by the Rising Sun,” I thought, “makes a good title for a blog post of some photos.”

So I went back in for my little Kodak Easy Share CX7330 digital camera.

Here is my first selection:

Sun kissed rose

Read it all

Pravda Perspective

Well, an editorial columnist’s anyway:

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

Pravda?! 😯

Would they know what they’re talking about?

Next what?

Whatever it may be, I am presently thankful for all the freedom and liberty and opportunity and plenty I’ve enjoyed almost my entire life.

Beau Vine

Bovine, actually. Cows, you know.

But first, the owner of the cows around here:

TW tilling our garden...again

Yup, he’s tilling our garden. For the third time in a week. Voluntarily. Free of charge. He’s a great landlord! (Thank you, TW!)

Note: Some of the images below are clickable-to-see-a-larger-version.

But back to bovine matters. Here’s one of the many mothers around here, accompanied by her child:

Mom and kid with God's background

The background is fuzzy but it gives you an idea of the beautiful views we have out back.

Here’s that same mother and kid:

Cows doing what cows do -- staring

Oh, I mentioned the views out back, here’s another one (shot in the evening haze), this one of Oregon’s own Mt. Hood:

Read it all

Above all, love God!