A Rebel Heart for God

Only if it's broken, repentant, and surrendered

I thought of this again several times this month already:

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”

That piece of 1 Samuel 15:23 just ain’t complicated at all: God won’t fit in a rebel heart.

Doing church things, saying church words, dressing church clothes, thinking church thoughts — none of them make room for God in a rebel heart.

But broken repentance does. Read it all

Yazidis and Christians — Genocide in Progress?

What Christian Aid Ministries is doing to help a "little" bit.


Joel C. Rosenberg reports:


Even the media and the politicians are finally using the term genocide to describe what is going on in Iraq. Read it all

Convert or Be Gone

When Protestants refuse to convert to Catholicism

I wonder what I would do if this happened to me:

The Protestants were forcibly displaced in early 2010 after village authorities destroyed their church and issued an ultimatum to the Protestants to convert to Catholicism.

I wonder what side of this story is offered by the village authorities.

I wonder what the Protestants did or didn’t do to trigger this action.

I wonder what the Pope’s stance is on this. Read it all

Wishing You Could Help Fleeing Iraqis?

Christian Aid Ministries is looking to assist. Do you want to help?

I’m not here to report on the news. You don’t need that.

I’m here to let you know how you can help, if seeing and hearing about the unfolding collapse in Iraq makes you wish you could help the suffering ones somehow.

You know about Christian Aid Ministries, right?

Here are some excerpts of what they have to say about ISIS in Iraq and the crisis going on right now: Read it all

Above all, love God!