How to Prepare to Share a Bible Lesson

Ideas, tips, and clues for teaching from the Bible

I am to speak on that subject at our congregation this coming Sunday evening. I intend my presentation to be practical help for Sunday School teachers and Vacation Bible School teachers, for school teachers, and for other public speakers at church events. I hope it has its inspirational moments for the other listeners as well. 🙂

I don’t know if I have 20 minutes or 40 — I think I’ll find out Sunday morning. That gives me the afternoon to adjust my notes accordingly.

Monday evening I started jotting down random notes, here’s what I have so far: Read it all

A Quiet and Peaceable Life

In all godliness and honesty -- but to what purpose?

“Lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:2-4).

Quiet, peaceable, godly, honest — does that describe the life I’ve chosen for myself?

For what purposes do I want such a life?

Serving the Lord Acceptably
(1 Timothy 2)

Serving the Lord acceptably with prayer and thankfulness.
Gender roles in church. Christian dress and adornment.
How to pray for political leaders.

(PS: Posted via email instead of the Web, so this might not be formatted properly or exquisitely.)

A Cappella Choral Music CDs in World Magazine

The Acclamation Chorale and The Oasis Chorale with Mennonites singing

World magazine, in its current issue, has a sidebar about two a cappella music CDs. What so amazing to me is that these are by Mennonite (or mostly Mennonite) youth (or mostly youth). Also amazing is that these are the kind of Mennonites that practice the Christian woman’s headship covering. Most amazing of all, though, is this: our son Andrew is a tenor in the Acclamation Chorale. That’s just pretty special. 🙂

The Acclamation Chorale in World magazine

Here’s what Arzenio Orteza has to say in his World sidebar: Read it all

Oregonians Bite the Hand That Heals Them

Unless they bit their own hands...

I see this morning that yesterday’s health tax ballot here in Oregon passed handily.

I don’t know if the yea voters did so in a fit of largesse at the public trough. Or if they poked the Yes key (is there such a thing?) out of consistency with their well-practiced personal pocketbook expressions of compassion for the needy.

Whatever the motivator, they approved a pile of new tax dollars for hospitals: Read it all

New at Panting Hart

A resumption of observations from my personal Bible reading

Last month I decided I would try restarting Panting Hart.

Well, not really restarting it, but refreshing it with new content by getting back to my original plan for that devotional blog.

I started this morning. Now I’m not so sure it’s a good idea. It’s all so time consuming! So I don’t know if I’ll do it again tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I invite you over to read what I posted this morning from my reading in 2 Peter 1:1-4 Read it all

Above all, love God!