Need More (and Better) Sleep?

I certainly could use more, but this isn’t my problem:

Can’t get the sandman to stop by? Quit calling the guy. According to reports from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, talking on a cell phone before heading to bed can prevent a person from getting a good night’s sleep.

The more I learn about cellphones, the less I like them. 😯

But I still like mine enough to keep it. 😳

Bye, Fred

I thought he would have made the race much more interesting.

And maybe he did.

But now we won’t know for sure.

Because Fred Thompson dropped out. (No, I’m not linking to any blogs or news stories about the matter.)

Too bad he left, I think.

On the other hand, it’s surely part of God doing part what the Ancient of Days does — setting up and taking down rulers.

I rest in that.

And I look forward to learning more of what He is up to in the US Presidential election.

Oh, and here’s the requisite statement on the subject: Maybe Fred’s departure is another signal to me to start making public the planks of the platform of my own Presidential campaign. (I suppose you still think I’m joking, eh?)

Grope-Free Buses

We were in Mexico City 26 years ago.

These buses were needed then. I’m sure they’re even more needed now.

Mexico City starts grope-free buses for women

Mexico City has started a women-only bus service to protect female passengers from groping and verbal abuse common on the city’s packed public transportation system.

Millions of people cram into subway trains and buses in the Mexican capital, one of the world’s largest cities, and women have long complained of abuse from men taking advantage of overcrowding to sneak in an inappropriate grab.

Pakistani Christian Murdered

I just read this via WordlMagBlog:

Pakistani Christian Murdered in Peshawar

A Pakistani Christian working for the relief and development agency Shelter Now has been murdered in Peshawar.

29-year old Sajeed Williams was on his way home January 17, when a masked man opened fire and killed him. The gunman is at large ; his motives are unknown, as the director of the German Shelter Now branch, Udo Stolte, told the evangelical news agency “idea”.

Williams was married ; the couple has an 18-month old daughter. He was office manager for Shelter Now in Peshawar.

The organization runs two projects in the country – a fish farm and a building project for 105 schools, which were ruined during the earthquake that shook Pakistan in 2005.

He has his reward. May God bless and comfort and shield and hold near his wife and daughter.

I Am Not Paranoid!

Believing the Web and email are both secure and private requires a willing suspension of disbelief.

So read this story and take a lesson for living:

The Softer Side of Spyware from Sears, Kmart

Googins noted on his company’s blog that the spyware installed by Sears transmitted everything from banking logins, email, and all other forms of Internet usage to comScore for analysis all in the name of ‘community’ participation. This was done without notice, an act contrary to documentation about the community from Sears saying that any data collected would stay within Sears’ hands at all times.

I’ve been trying to tell people that they shouldn’t assume privacy and security online. Not even in “private” and “personal” email.

But I think most of them think I’m being old-fashioned. Or hypersensitive. Or paranoid.

No. I’m. Not.


Now, say it with me…all together now…

Mark is not paranoid!

Thank you.

To Ask Your Doctor

“Are you in treatment for any sort of addiction?”

(Follow-up questions encouraged.)

Doctors in rehab still practice

Troubling cases in which doctors were accused of botching operations while undergoing treatment for drugs or alcohol have led to criticism of rehab programs that allow thousands of U.S. physicians to keep their addictions hidden from their patients.

Nearly all states have confidential rehab programs that let doctors continue practicing as long as they stick with the treatment regimen. Nationwide, as many as 8,000 doctors may be in such programs, by one estimate.

I know that’s a MessNBC story, but still . . . .

You Reap What You Sow

Over the last two or three months, I’ve had reason to think about that.

And how easily we forget it. Or purposefully ignore it. Even when we know it. And maybe even believe it.

Oh the foolishness (stupidity, if you will) of planting something that will bring us a heart-breaking harvest later!
        • contempt and scorn
        • mockery and disrespect
        • deceit and hypocrisy
        • pride and cockiness
        • ungodliness and impurity
        • wrong example and unwise counsel

So stop and think and analyze and look to the future.

(Yes, this applies to you, believe it or not!)

Elsewhere you can find more I wrote on this subject: here and here.

Well, I ask you right now — do you want to harvest what you planted earlier today?

If not, maybe it’s too late. (Though it certainly isn’t too late to confess and abandon the wrong planting.)

And for sure it isn’t too late to start planting something better — something that you can look forward to harvesting.

For myself, my harvesting continues to this very day. Too much of it is quite wretched. (Yes, I’ve been in some kind of a downer of late.)

Now, having written all that, I urge you to hope! You reap what you sow works for the good harvests just as well as it does for the bad ones.

Anyway, eventually it dawned on me that this might make an interesting search term: you reap what you sow.

So I tried it and among the top 10 (of 208,000) Web-search results are these:

What You Do Comes Back To You

The words “What you do comes back to you” are an excellent paraphrase of the Biblical truth, “You reap what you sow.” You plant the seeds (sow), and then later you gather the resulting harvest (reap). The harvest that you reap depends on the kind of seeds you sow. If you sow corn, you will not reap olives.

1 Way Only–You Reap What You Sow

…what you sow in life has a direct relationship to what you’ll receive in your life. In other words, your actions all have consequences. Good actions result in good consequences, and bad actions result in bad consequences.

…But don’t ever be fooled into thinking that your actions don’t have consequences. Don’t think you can get away with bad choices even if you don’t seem to get caught. Remember verse seven tells us that God cannot be mocked. He sees it all. You reap what you sow.

You Reap What You Sow

Another so-called exception to the rule is the belief that time alters the reap-and-sow principle. That is, if the penalty or reward for an act doesn’t come quickly, it isn’t coming at all, and hence the law of cause and effect is broken.

And among the top 10 (of about 35) news-search results are:

Frost Illustrated: Morality in Media leader offers explanation for mass killings

“There is a saying, ‘You reap what you sow,’ and the American people are reaping what the entertainment media have sowed and we have bought for more than forty years.” Zimbabwe: Govt Distributes 535 Ploughs to Farmers

“Let us take heed of the saying ‘you reap what you sow’ and make use of the ploughs given to you today. Sow the seed that will give us a bumper harvest,” he said.

Moultrie Observer – Rants and Raves for Dec 11

“If we are not careful, nobody will want to come here to coach. No true support, no participation, and we expect to win. After what happened to Coach Singletary, you reap what you sow boys! Football is not king anymore! Queen at best!

And among the top 10 (of about 14,440) blog-search results are:

Everyday Woman Radio Show with Vicki Hinze: Stealing Religion

But first it’ll be a long look into a harsh mirror in which nothing is hidden and all that is true is exposed. Then the thief will learn the penalty of his/her actions, and then s/he will suffer the utmost consequences. Because in the very symbols stolen are promises that remain intact: you reap what you sow. And from that, the thief cannot hide.

I wonder. When the thief sows, feels the full weight of the consequences of his/her actions, how will s/he feel about stealing then? Because the truth is, the thief(s) might have stolen and damaged and destroyed that family’s property. But s/he did far more lasting damage to him/herself. The kind self-inflicted that requires far more than mere repayment to be satisfied. It requires forgiveness, and that requires divine grace.

You reap what you sow

It is said that we reap what we sow.

In fact, it could be argued that even the most fertile soil throughout the world is barren unless time and effort is expended to take seeds and have them properly planted, cultivated and nurtured.

Above all, love God!