Anglican Surrender

Archbishop backs sharia law for British Muslims

The Archbishop of Canterbury tonight prompted criticism from across the political spectrum after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some of its aspects seemed “unavoidable”.

Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.


Williams said introducing sharia law would mean Muslims would no longer have to choose between two systems.

“If what we want socially is a pattern of relations in which a plurality of diverse and overlapping affiliations work for a common good, and in which groups of serious and profound conviction are not systematically faced with the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty, it seems unavoidable.”

He compared the situation to faith schools, where “communal loyalties” were brought into direct contact with wider society, leading to mutual questioning and mutual influence towards change, without compromising the “distinctiveness of the essential elements of those communal loyalties”.

Earlier, in a BBC interview, he was more succinct. He said it was a “matter of fact” that sharia law was already being practised in Britain.

“It’s not as if we’re bringing in an alien and rival system; we already have in this country a number of situations in which the internal law of religious communities is recognised by the law of the land … There is a place for finding what would be a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law as we already do with some kinds of aspects of other religious law.”

And here’s a little more via WND:

“There is a place for finding what would be a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law as we already do with aspects of others kinds of religious law,” Rowan continued.

“Nobody in their right mind would want to see in this country the kind of inhumanity that has sometimes been associated with the practice of the law in some Islamic states: the extreme punishments, the attitudes to women,” he said, according to a Times report.

“But there are ways of looking at marital disputes, for example, which provide an alternative to the divorce courts as we understand them,” he said.

Williams claimed Orthodox Jewish courts already are in operation in Britain, and the pro-life views of Catholics and other Christians are “accommodated within the law.”

However, Alistair McBay of the National Secular Society said Rowan’s comments “directly undermine” the concept of citizens being equal under the law.

“We have segregated schools, segregated scout groups and even segregated toilets for Muslims, and now the archbishop says we should have different laws. It’s madness,” he said.

Coming (relatively-) soon to a courtroom near you?

Known but to God

I’m not talking about the identity of the remains buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

I’m talking about the next President of the United States.

Only God knows whether it will be Obama or McCain or Hillary or Huckabee or Romney. Or Fred Thompson. Or Mark Roth. Or some other unknown-to-us.

Because God will set up whom He will.

McCain may be the Republican frontrunner who, after yesterday, has added to his Inevitability Quotient, but so was Luis Donaldo Colosio on March 23, 1994.

Hillary may have won the California primary, but so did Robert Kennedy.

Am I predicting an assassination that upsets the political applecart? 😯

Of course not. 🙄

God has all manner of ways of setting up whom He will, death by various means being only one of them.

The old stream media may think they’re setting things up.

The conniving politicians may think they’re doing the arranging.

The bloggers and radiotalkers may think they’re going to pull off something (though McCain’s successes yesterday, coupled with Huckabee’s, should put a damper on such thoughts).

The “powers that be” may be using all of the above — plus “tinkerers” who are “adjusting” all those electronic voting machines — to continue “running the show.”

But it’s the sovereign omnipotent God who’s doing the setting up and taking down.

I may not like the choice. But I submit to the Chooser and, thus, rest in His omniscient wisdom.

All glory and honor and praise and obedience and love to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Dead: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

TM’s “founder” crossed the final bridge in this life:

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a guru to the Beatles who introduced the West to transcendental meditation, died Tuesday at his home in the Dutch town of Vlodrop, a spokesman said. He was thought to be 91 years old.

“He died peacefully at about 7 p.m.,” said Bob Roth, a spokesman for the Transcendental Meditation movement that the Maharishi founded. He said his death appeared to be due to “natural causes, his age.”

Once dismissed as hippie mysticism, the Hindu practice of mind control known as transcendental meditation gradually gained medical respectability.

He began teaching TM in 1955 and brought the technique to the United States in 1959. But the movement really took off after the Beatles attended one of his lectures in 1967 and visited his ashram in India in 1968, bringing along such famous friends as Donovan.

I wonder what he’s doing now.

Some 5 million people devoted 20 minutes every morning and evening reciting a simple sound, or mantra, and delving into their consciousness.

“Don’t fight darkness. Bring the light, and darkness will disappear,” Maharishi said in a 2006 interview, repeating one of his own mantras.

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you,” says the Bible.

“No one leaves Islam”

That’s what he said:

No one ever leaves Islam, according to a judge in Egypt who has cited Islamic religious law in rejecting a request from a Muslim convert to Christianity to be allowed to change his religious affiliation on his national identification card.

In a decision that forecasts more and more decisions being based on Shari’a, Islam’s religious law, Judge Muhammad Husseini has concluded it violates the law for a Muslim to leave Islam.

According to a report from Compass Direct News, the judge found that the convert, Muhammad Hegazy, “can believe whatever he wants in his heart, but on paper he can’t convert.”

After reading that, I wondered: “So what? Does it even matter?”

Then I read this:

The website, which said it took its name from Quranic descriptions of Christians and Jews, said Westerners don’t realize the significance of having a national ID card listing the carrier as Muslim.

“If you get caught going to a church while your religion on your ID is Muslim, that could get you arrested, questioned and tortured,” the commentary said. “The latest victim was a 27-year-old woman, Mrs. Sherreen, mother of two children from Alexandria, Egypt. She died at the police station on Jan. 3, 2008, after five hours of torture for refusing to renounce her Christian faith and come back to Islam.”

The website noted in Egypt, children of parents with Muslim IDs automatically are Muslims, and they are required to follow mandatory Islamic indoctrination classes, and Muslims cannot marry non-Muslims.

Choosing a President

There for quite a while, Hillary Clinton was considered the inevitable Democrat nominee.

No more.

And for quite a while, RudyG (I’m stumped on spelling his last name) was an apparent shoo-in for the Republicans.

Today he’s out.

And Fred Thompson supposedly could have the nomination for the taking.

He finally reached out for it. It eluded him. And he’s been out for a few days now.

Then there’s Mitt Romney, who really seemed to have something going for him.

That effort seems to have stalled out.

And John McCain had supposedly reached the end of his rope this past summer.

Now he’s the Republican front-runner.

For now?

I’m looking forward to seeing who God has picked out to set up as President.

And how will Christians react to His decision?

Generating Goodwill Generously

Or something like that.

Or this:

Cody Young parked his bike in the wrong place at the Goodwill store, where the rule is anything on the floor goes.

He didn’t have a lock and friends said they’d parked inside the store before. But this time, the black BMX bike was sold.

Goodwill officials say the youngster is going to get his bike back though, because the buyer saw a story in Salem Statesman Journal about the mix-up and called to make things right.

The buyer got the bike for $6.99 but Goodwill is giving them a $100 gift certificate for coming forth.

It’s not the first such sale mix up in Goodwill’s busy stores, officials said. Once, a janitor left a bucket and mop on the sales floor, and a store sold them the next day.


Or maybe I mean this: 🙄

For sure this: 😀

Overcoming Worry

I posted this earlier this morning at Anabaptists and just now got done referencing it at Panting Hart. (Yes, I rarely crosspost like that.)

Overcoming Worry

Do you believe what God says? I mean, can you — do you — accept at face value what He has to say…and believe it, and live it? Or are you like most humans — selective, doubtful, logical?

I believe one of the “good” reasons we struggle with covetousness is our need for security for the future. We don’t want some calamity to catch us totally unawares and unprepared. Neither do we wish to have holes in our roofs, clothes and stomachs. The problem is, we tend to anchor our security in stuff instead of in the Stuff Giver. And when our stuff is in short supply, we worry.

God orders us to give sacrificially, that is, of our sustenance. In return, He says He will never leave us nor forsake us. He assures us He is aware of our need for the basic things of life. He promises to provide all we need if we will give our lives to His kingdom and righteousness. He tells us not to worry about tomorrow.

To read the rest, click the Panting Hart link above.

(Written originally in August 1994)

[If then God so clothe the grass... (Luke 12:28)]

from Luke 12:28

Above all, love God!