Debtor, Beware!

I came across this site earlier this morning while checking out a WordPress theme: Short-Term Loans 101.

Here’s a bit from their intro:

If you’re thinking about getting a short-term loan, be sure to do your research — short-term loans are extremely dangerous — short-term loans cause long-term destruction.

That’s where we come in. Armed with this website, you don’t have to become another statistic — we can help you make the right decision. We’re not affiliated with any short-term loan lender.

This website will teach you everything you need to know, whether you’re looking for business short-term loans or payday short term loans. Advice, resources, links and profiles of lenders – it’s all here. Make sure to read up before you get the loan.

Ooma & Clark Howard

Lifetime home phone service for $200?

Want free home phone service for life? Clark has a $200 device to tell you about that promises just that — with no monthly fees ever!


The Ooma device looks like a house intercom. You plug a cable for your Internet into it; you plug your traditional landline phone into it; and suddenly you have phone service! Ooma also has a built-in processor that supposedly makes the sound quality comparable to monopoly phone service.

Other Clark Howard gleanings:

(Thankfully, KeyCorp is among those Top Thirteen banks said to be healthy at this time.)

Repeat Customer

As I scanned the email orders, my scan jolted to a stop. The email address was familiar. So was the last name. I opened the order and confirmed it is the same person.

Last year the customer ordered and paid for 24 CDs.

After a series of emails and phone calls, the customer ended up with 12 duplicate CDs from us.

And I ended up convinced we’d been lied to and defrauded.

By someone claiming to be “Reverend.”

Now we have another order.

And the payment for it.

I’m planning to refund the payment and cancel the order, explaining that I just can’t take the risk.

What would you do with the rev’s order?

Would you do further business with her?

Pre-Christian Behavior

Over the last couple of years or so, I’ve had various times to wonder why Christians insist (at times) on behaving in Christ-less manners.

  • Making someone else look bad
  • Undermining authority
  • Paying back spitefully what someone else did unwittingly
  • Spreading an evil report about another
  • Reacting viciously against contradiction or correction
  • Dishonoring parents
  • Belittling children
  • Returning evil for evil

That’s only the beginning of the list, of course. But why do Christians indulge that kind of behavior?

When I see it, I’m left feeling puzzled.

And (at times) angry or vindictive or hurt or depressed or scornful.

Which raises another question: Aren’t those also forms of pre-Christian behavior?

Am I Guilty?

Last fall (is that when it was?) when Congress rushed some multi-billion “package” through and President Bush signed it, I wondered how they could put their signatures and votes to something they had not read carefully and studied thoroughly.

I marveled at such reckless irresponsibility.

Now I see that such an approach must be the norm.

Yet voters continue to send them back to keep doing such things.


I guess.

But do I do the same type thing as the politicians do? Perhaps more than I realize.

But before further introspection, the “news”: Read it all

72-Hour Kit

So I followed a Google Alert for Anabaptist to someone’s blog. And I noticed in the blog’s sidebar a link to a 72-hour kit. That got me curious. So I did a little further (re)searching.

How to Make a 72-Hour Survival Kit, Whatcom County Washington

When a disaster strikes, your community emergency services and government agencies may not be able to respond to your needs immediately. Their buildings, equipment, personnel, communications, and mobility may be severely hampered by the event. They will be overwhelmed.

Experts warn that you should be prepared to be on your own for a minimum of three days after a disaster. One of the most important elements of this preparedness is the 72-hour kit for your home or office. The contents of this kit will vary, but in every case it should contain the things you need to survive for three days on your own.

Read it all

Above all, love God!