Penn State, Nineveh, Sandusky, and Me

You know about Jerry Sandusky and Pennsylvania State University and the sodomy stuff, right? Sure you do (you’re online, after all).

Do you also know about Nineveh and the evil in that city?

Well, Jonah certainly knew about Nineveh…and he certainly wasn’t going there on any errand of grace and mercy! But now look what I did; I got ahead of myself… Read it all

What’s the Opposite of Gay Pride?

I’d been thinking that the opposite of “gay” pride is “straight” humility.

But I just wondered a bit ago if matching up double opposites would have the same effect as a double negative in English.

Thus the opposite of gay pride might be straight pride or gay humility.

Because straight humility might be doubly opposite of gay pride and thus Read it all

Pullicino: “Assisted Death Pathway”

Early this morning I saw this in the UK papers (and Malta’s, I think):

NHS hospitals are using end-of-life care to help elderly patients to die because they are difficult to look after and take up valuable beds, a top doctor has warned.

He talks about removing a “patient from the LCP despite significant resistance.”

Oh, you don’t know about LCP? Read it all

Above all, love God!