The Church Assembling: The Community of Believers

How to tell if your church has too many regular services?

Interesting to shoehorn this

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,
as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:
and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

(Hebrews 10:25)

into the historical context of these verses from this morning’s SS lesson:

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship,
and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple,
and breaking bread from house to house,
did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

(Acts 2:42,46)

Maybe by the time of Hebrews 10 they were slacking off to three services on the Lord’s Day, another on Wednesday night, and a Bible study on Friday night. So God had the writer issue His warning/command. 😳 😯 Read it all

“You’re a Premillennialist?”

Do you leave skid marks where the rubber meets the road?

In my freshly minted opinion, premillennialists are a dime a dozen. Amillennialists, on the other hand, fetch a nickle for two quarter-dozen.

Twas the morning of April 24 when, in a post to Facebook, I called attention to an article from World magazine (“No Path to Normalcy”) and added some comments of my own. I closed my brief comments with this:

An unmet-in-real-life friend commented, “Let me guess… You’re a premillennialist?” I have no idea where he stands on the matter, so I don’t know if he asked hopefully or incredulously. Probably just curiously. Read it all

When You Have to Go in a National Park

Be sure to pick a single-occupancy restroom or outhouse.

Secretary of the Interior cheers gender-free bathrooms in national barks

June 27 tweet by Secretary of the Interior

So yesterday (apparently) the President decreed that national parks no longer honor the single-gender bathroom concept. (Gender-specific restrooms — what an antiquated concept in this great society. 😯 )

Apparently whatever the sign may say is no guarantee what you will find inside. So beware of using multiple-capacity restrooms. The spectators therein may be more “sexually varied” than you bargained for. Read it all

Some Bestiality OK With Canada Supreme Court

Sickly legalizes some sick sex acts with animals

Canada's Supreme Court approves limited bestialitySo Canada’s highest court has just ruled that some sex acts between humans and animals are legal.

Despite all the acceleration of the normalization of perversion in the last few years, this still has to at least kinda shock the sensibilities.

Some folks (including the dissenting judge) expressing dismay at and condemnation of the 7-1 ruling seem to be exercised primarily by the animal abuse angle.

The human morality slippery slope is a bigger issue to me. The pursuit of certain “rights” is definitely leading to what’s morally wrong being rebranded as right. Even a leftist should find that repugnant.

Well, here are two excerpts from the story: Read it all

Kenneth L Miller, Federal Prisoner 08464-082

When the Christian faithful collide with a society in the grip of Satan's tyranny

Because “a woman’s faith and modern society collided,” Ken Miller reported to federal prison in Virginia on March 22, 2016.

In this “war against Satan’s tyranny,” Ken holds to the view that the proper weapons must be employed by the faithful disciple of Jesus. In the excerpt below, notice how he identifies such weaponry.

Ken Miller bids farewell to his home congregation Read it all

Do You See Israel’s Expanding Peril?

While the world is used to the planes being airborne anyway...

Mark's CIA map of the Middle East


I saw that headline on the Drudge Report early this morning. He linked it to an LA Times story that includes this quote:

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Sisi endorsed the creation of a joint military force to defend Arab nations.

Sisi said the Arab world was at a critical crossroads and facing unprecedented difficulties.

If Israel’s Arab neighbors get a “good thing going” with their joint military efforts in Yemen…

And if Israel’s Arab neighbors see the American Administration’s growing hostility toward Israel

And if Israel’s Arab neighbors perceive American weakness in relation to Iran

And if Israel’s neighbors imagine a shift in America’s long-standing commitment to Israel, her secrets, and her security…

And if Israel’s neighbors take literally the American threat to abandon Israel at the United Nations… Read it all

Choice: Women’s Bodies

What are the limits to the "choice" logic of Roe v Wade?
My Body My Choice anti-Dobbs protest placard

On this day, millions without natural affection (and millions of others) celebrate: enough Supreme Court “justices” figured out a woman can do what she wants with her body.

As a result of Roe v Wade, a girl or a woman in the United States may legally…

  • Sell one of her kidneys for research, transplant, or knick-knack.
  • Accept pay in exchange for welcoming a man into her body.
  • Destroy an embryo (or kill a fetus or slice up a baby) within her.

It’s her body, after all. Read it all

Above all, love God!