Christian Teen Girls?

Here’s the news:

More than one in four U.S. teen girls is infected with at least one sexually transmitted disease, and the rate is highest among blacks, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday.

An estimated 3.2 million U.S. girls ages 14 and 19 — about 26 percent of that age group — have a sexually transmitted infection such as the human papillomavirus or HPV, chlamydia, genital herpes or trichomoniasis, the CDC said.

Forty-eight percent of black teen-age girls were infected, compared to 20 percent of whites and 20 percent of Mexican American girls. The report did not give data on the broader U.S. Hispanic population.


About half reported ever having had sex . . . .

And here’s more news (although almost four years old by now!):

About one-third of American teenagers claim they’re “born again” believers, according to data gathered over the past few years by Barna Research Group, the gold standard in data about the U.S. Protestant church, and 88% of teens say they are Christians. About 60% believe that “the Bible is totally accurate in all of its teachings.” And 56% feel that their religious faith is very important in their life.

Here’s the question about the teen girls in the first article: What percentage of these profess to be Christians?

(And, as a Mennonite, a sub-question: How many of them are Mennonites?)

As one who doesn’t live that way, maybe I should stop identifying myself as a Christian, eh? 🙄 (After all, so many people are giving Christian a bad reputation, a bad connotation, a bad name, etc.)

Oh, for the Christianity 101 comment, read this: God says the human body is for Him to inhabit and not to be used immorally.


Here’s a good story for those who shun their denominational names in favor of “only” Christian. 😉

Polygamists hit the Web in search of ‘sister-wives’

Albert Morrison is a religious man. He prays, he reads the Bible and says he has a deep connection with Jesus. It is this devotion that helps explain why Albert and his wife, Sarah, are searching for a second wife.

“David, Abraham, Jacob, Solomon — they all had multiple wives,” he said, referring to the four of the Bible’s most revered prophets. “The Bible never banned polygamy, it glorified it.”

The Morrisons are part of a group of Evangelical Christian polygamists who believe that polygamy, the practice of taking more than one wife, is spiritually and even economically more favorable than monogamy.

I included the Christianity 101 category for this post because I wonder if any readers have any Bible passages that refute the above abomination.

(And what passage does that guy use to show the Bible “glorifying” polygamy?!)

Test Your Movies

The Motion Picture Production Code

A Code to Govern the Making of Talking, Synchronized and Silent Motion Pictures. Formulated and formally adopted by The Association of Motion Picture Producers, Inc. and The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc.

There’s some amazing stuff there.

Those of you that watch “family friendly” or Christian movies, would you have them to watch if the above code were still in force?

(No, it isn’t in force — it’s from 1930.)

Though I don’t watch movies, I’m guessing that even many Christian movies of today would fail the Code test.

So tell me — what has happened to Christianity?

As in the days of Noah, things will get worse — much worse.

Protect Children Online

I don’t usually listen to Christian radio. But I did for a bit this afternoon. And I’m reminded that we live in perilous times that seem to resemble more and more what it must have been like in the days of Noah.

Anyway, as a result of listening to part of the Homeword (that is spelled correctly) program, here’s a book I want to read:

Internet Protect Your Kids:: Keep Your Children Safe from the Dark Side of Technology

And maybe these as well:

How to Protect Your Children on the Internet: A Road Map for Parents and Teachers       Safety Monitor: How to Protect Your Kids Online       How To Protect Your Child from Sexual Predators

We’ll see.

As in the Days of Noah

This morning, as I was working on this:

I believe, though, that God calls each one of us to be a voice calling in the moral wilderness in which we live. And wilderness it is, grinding steadily toward absolute, all-encompassing vileness and depravity not seen since Noah’s time. This corruption already stealthily and gently smoothers our God-ward sensitivity, slowly and steadily invading our hearts like smoky tendrils wafting gently and seductively on the numbing breezes of our culture.

I thought, “I should start a new category called Days of Noah.”

Next thought: “That’s a good search of the day.”

Then I thought, “That’s a good blog name. I could use such a blog to remind, warn, encourage, and prepare God’s people for the perilous times in which we live.”

Followed by: “I don’t have time for another blog. I already have four or five!”

Maybe I should retire this blog and start Days of Noah. No, not now. I’ll settle for a category called that here at Ain’t Complicated (aka, Mark’s Views, Perhaps). And I’ll do a search of the day also (using GoOgle, of course).

Among the top ten results for a Web search, out of about 290,000:

The Days of Noah are here again!!

According to the Bible there is nothing wrong with eating and drinking, marrying etc., etc., but these people who lived before the Great Flood were doing something which caused the Lord to drown them all. They were creating genetic monstrosities and polluting the human race with Satanic bloodlines in order to prevent the Messiah from having pure human blood.

Days of Noah

In the days of Noah (in particular the pre-flood period), persons were eating, drinking, interacting with friends and loved ones, etc. This sounds no different than our daily activities. From the Genesis chapter 6 account, individuals were also violent, corrupt, and wicked. “The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time . . . Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence” (Genesis 6:5, 11). One only has to look at our modern-day newspapers to get many examples of what passes for violence, corruption, and wickedness. Of course the instruments used to accomplish these activities would be different in the days of Noah, but the evil intent and the evil result were the same. Evil was their normal mode of operating.

In The Days

JERUSALEM: In his boldest foray into Mideast peacemaking, President George W. Bush has invited the Israeli and Palestinian leaders, along with representatives from nearly 50 nations and international groups, to next week’s conference in Annapolis.

Among the top ten results for a news search, out of 6:

Hasten the end – Apocalypse now!

The truth is that though nature’s four seasons continue to cycle serenely throughout the ages, and men and women, as in the days of Noah, continue to marry and be given in marriage, there is at the heart of history a continual battle going on. In fact, the battle began before human history, when Michael and his forces swept the legions of Lucifer out of heaven. There is a reason that we never get tired of love stories–love is of the essence of human life. There is also a reason that we never get tired of war stories–war has been our constant companion and will be so till the last trumpet.

Come out of her my peopleWhat kind of “news” search result is this!!! 🙁

On any given Saturday night in cities across this nation, it’s we who are killing each other. You make it easy for racist police to kill you because you are busy killing yourselves. We must become a community that respects the life of each other and will protect the life of each other, and will protect your women and your girls, then if an enemy of that peace comes in among us. How can I do what is right by you, while I watch what you are doing wrong by one another? Half of all murder victims in America are Black men, and 9 out of 10 of those that are murdered are murdered by their own Brother or Sister. But I warn the government, that at a certain time, if you don’t do justice by us, God will retaliate in a way that He has never retaliated on any nation that has existed in the past. If you go and read your scriptures and see the plagues that God brought in the days of Noah, in the days of Lot, to the people of Ad and Thamud, to the people of Salih, to the people of Moses, to the Roman Empire, to the Babylonian city, all that God has brought on them, He will bring on America. As it is written in the scripture, He will bring the blood of the righteous from Able to Zachariah, even to this very day, on one generation. I don’t want to see that happen. I would like to see America avoid that. I would really like to see us avoid such a call that would be suicidal.

News Journal Online

Walls and a roof would be a luxury for Ray Kelley’s congregation. For now, the field will have to do.

Hoarse from yelling, he reads to men and women in folding chairs. “As it was in the days of Noah so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.” A cigarette tips precariously from a listening man’s lips, each tongue flick counting the seconds of the sermon. Ash-colored clouds sweep the sky and leaves rustle; a downpour can’t be too far.

“It ain’t going to rain,” Ray Kelley shouts. The crowd stirs. “It ain’t going to rain tonight.”

Among the top ten results for a blog search, out of about 13,926:

As in the days of Noah

As the Word of God declares the time of the Son of man coming would be as the days of Noah were. We are living in those days today. Perilous and exciting times. We are here to encourage you in your daily walk with the Lord and to help you wake up as our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed!

Becoming Real » What Does Noah Have To Do With the Moon?

We have really been immersed in what it must have been like in the Days of Noah. It was awful when every man’s thoughts were evil continually. It’s hard to imagine everybody in the world, except one family, being evil. How God must have grieved. And how sad and frustrated Noah must have felt to be preaching and warning all the time for 120 years and not having any converts, except perhaps for 3 women who became his daughters-in-law. Talk about an unsuccessful man! Or was he unsuccessful? I’d say he was the most successful man of his time! He sure came out on top in the end. He was the only one who survived. And he became the father and grandfather of everybody on Earth. What is the measure of your success? Obedience to what God has told me to do. That’s the measure of my success.

The Days of Noah: Do We Preach The Coming Judgment?

The Bible tells us that Noah’s time was marked by gross sexual immorality that devalued and debased marriage, that it was increasingly brutal and violent, and that the culture was opposed to God in every way.

It further tells us that when Jesus returns the conditions on earth will be the same.

God saved Noah through the ark and He will deliver His people at the Second Coming via the rapture of the church.

The rest will receive judgment, just as they did in the days of Noah.

A Second Holocaust or Divine Protection?

This Holocaust Will Be Different:

The Germans, along with their non-German helpers, had to round up the men, women and children from their houses and drag and beat them through the streets and mow them down in nearby woods or push and pack them into cattle cars and transport them to the camps, where “Work makes free,” separate the able-bodied from the completely useless and lure them into “shower” halls and pour in the gas and then take out, or oversee the extraction of, the bodies and prepare the “showers” for the next batch.

The second holocaust will be quite different.

I believe Israel will survive till the end of time.

Above all, love God!