Lisa Miller in Quarantine

She is in Miami at a federal facility and doing OK.

I learned this morning that Lisa is at the Federal Detention Center in Miami. Rather, I learned that her mailing address is there. As a traveler arrived from abroad, she is quarantined because of the Covid-19 epidemic. I don’t know that she has Covid. Nor do I know that such quarantines are done on site there at FDC Miami.

She is doing OK and would like to hear from members of her faith community. Her address is:

Lisa Miller
No. 0147207
PO Box 019120
Miami FL 33101

Remember inmate mail is subject to inspection and reading by prison officials. Feel free to encourage Lisa, but avoid direct references to parties involved. Be sure what you write does not distract any “reviewers” and “proofreaders” from the name of Christ.

My source says, “If you don’t want to wade through all the guidelines below, just write her on a clean piece of white paper in black or blue ink and it should be good to go.”

For those of you who want to do that and/or more, please review the following restrictions and guidelines… Read it all

He Could Attend, Take a Knee, and Raise His Fists

And pull a rabbit out of his coat's inner pocket.

He could time it to happen during the national anthem or the inaugural address or hail to the chief or the swearing in.

And instead of that rabbit, it could be a certain red piece of head gear to plunk on his head. Or a certain blue flag to wave gently. Or both. Or all three, with the rabbit as a “welcome to the office” gift to Mr. Biden — a nice way to wish living good luck, quadrupled. 😯 πŸ™„

That makes staying away look like a plus.

I just thought some perspective might help. πŸ˜€

Seriously, though, I urge Read it all

How I Find Peace Amidst All the Pandemic, Tyranny, Fraud, and Instability

My one-step plan in dealing with covid-19, gubernatorial tyranny, authoritarian oppression, electoral fraud, economic instability, media manipulation, and societal destabilization

For us all, 2020 has been an amazing, disconcerting, troubling, troubled year on a variety of fronts.

  • Early on, we had the beginnings of a global pandemic which has swept up the rest of the year.
  • That pandemic may have been unleashed on the world by _____.
  • Politicians all over seem to have indulged their inner tyrant under the pretext of dealing with the pandemic.
  • Economies have staggered and shattered as a consequence.
  • Millions have been infected with the coronavirus (aka, COVID-19). Thousands have died from it.
  • Now the flu is down and suicides are up.
  • Then came the American elections with its shifts in political power and overpowering whiffs of fraud, deceit, and other criminality in the results.
  • And then there are the American news blackouts and tech giant censorships.
  • Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the rioting, looting, and anarchy in various American cities, often tolerated or endorsed by those who should have been putting them down.
  • And what about disrupted, restricted, and/or forbidden social interactions, religious events, and family fellowship?
  • Oh, yes, and the injustice and disregard for law across all segments of society.

2020 — the year of big-time Wow! Read it all

Antidote for Turmoil, Fear, and Unrest

Just what many of us need in the wake of the 2020 US Presidential election

Three days have passed since America’s Presidential election of 2020. Even now, not all ballots have been counted yet. Others have been counted at least twice. And probably hundreds of thousands have been counted that shouldn’t count toward any official tally.

At this stage, only God knows who will be the next President of the United States. And only God knows why He has chosen that man and for what purposes. Of this we can be sure: God’s will shall certainly be accomplished. The man He has chosen in absolute righteousness will be the next United States President.

I remember the Bush-Gore election Florida mess of 2000. Gore’s litigation dragged on for over a month before the US Supreme Court stepped in and essentially forced the whole thing to end. And finally Bush was certified the winner.

Over a month and in only one state, folks! And what is happening now is on a far greater scale than that. So…we shall see. Meanwhile, here are some excerpts from a piece I wrote on November 12 of that year: Read it all

Did Rush Concede the Election to Biden?

I wondered if he had slipped up in expression, or if he actually meant to say it that way.

I was truly astonished to hear Rush Limbaugh say it twice two different ways during his first segment this morning.

Alas, I don’t remember his phrasing (but I concede he didn’t use the word concede). I just know I was very, very surprised the first time. And not long after, he said it again, with different words. But both times the indisputable message was that Joe Biden won.

He said both toward the end of his first ten minutes on air.

I remember thinking, “He just conceded” and “He threw Trump under the bus.”

I was incredulous to hear it from Rush. I wondered if he had slipped up in his way of saying things or if he really meant it. I kept expecting him to correct himself. He didn’t by the first break. Read it all

How One Anabaptist Christian Looks at Civil Elections

Why I do not participate in the honorable civic calling of voting in civil elections...

Welcome to Election Day USA 2020! (Or any day thereafter.)

Are you ready for what comes next? Have you voted yet? Are you troubled at the possibilities? Does the potential selection of Mr. _ _ _ _ _ frighten you or cheer you? Do you worry about the state and direction of the United States? Do the polls trouble you? Are you afraid at the prospect of civil unrest, fraudulent shenanigans, riots, anarchy, or totalitarianism?

Perhaps you are a Christian and you just aren’t sure how to vote. Perhaps you think Mr. Trump is vile and vicious. Perhaps you think Mr. Biden is vicious and vile. Maybe you think one of them is a con artist and should be a convict.

Perhaps one of the selections below will help you…or make you feel worse. Whatever the case, let me tell you a little of how I look at politics and/or elections. (I think “normal” American citizens have the duty, honor, and high calling to vote.) Read it all

Elections and the Elect: The Darkness Deepens But Light Shines On

Be faithful, even if you are fearful. Don't be blind to danger, neither stop looking to Jesus.

This post is not what I envisioned it becoming.

Instead it is mostly unarranged thoughts typed in a mostly “stream of consciousness” fit or two, originally intended for a couple of weeks as threads to be woven with a bunch of others into something to post at Anabaptists. I just don’t have the time. And, frankly, have lost the “zeal” and drive for it as well.

But I put them here and fling them out there because I am deeply, deeply concerned about the state of God’s people in the times we find ourselves.

Some of these things I know to be factual. Others I acknowledge as possibly not rising to more than being mere feelings. Read it all

Above all, love God!