Reflections: Election 2012

I eyeball 🙄 😯 😕 😐 the political scene without entangling myself in the political drama (or is it merely a play?).

When I go grocery shopping, I also eyeball others’ unbelievably loaded shopping carts and the “food stamp” Oregon Trail cards they use for payment…and I remember Alexis de Tocqueville: Read it all

Looking Down on American Politics

Erick Erickson has an amazing piece at Red State.

Though I disagree with his closing line as applied to Christians — “Now go vote! The future of the nation is at stake!!!!” — and though I wish he wouldn’t engage in partisan commentary for an article such as this, I still find much which I can affirm.

So I’ve excerpted most of what’s particularly outstanding to me. Read it all

Yes, It Could Happen Here

God has so blessed America that we can happily relegate such terror to Asia and Europe and say it can’t happen here—but it could if churches content themselves with blessing bicycles, bees, and yaks instead of teaching about sin and what happens to societies that encourage it rather than restrain it. We need to learn about real ghouls.

Halloween’s real ghouls

Above all, love God!