ISIS Sends 21 from a Beach to the Throne

42 men, each precious in the eyes of Jesus the Redeemer

21 Egyptians martyred by ISIS in Libya

Are the ones in orange pictured above among these now?

I don’t know enough to pretend to know the eternal status of those 21 Eygptian Copts slaughtered on that beach. But I thought of the Revelation scene(s).

I also thought of this angle: Read it all

A Fall Planting for an Every-Season Harvest

Persist in planting for a good long-term harvest!
What they sowed in the Fall,
we still reap through every season.

Generally, by Fall we’re done with gardening here in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. And we certainly don’t plant our vegetables and tomatoes now.

But my boxed quote above isn’t about autumn crops. Read it all

What Happened 6018 Years Ago Tonight?

A bishop's creative calculations might be the beginning of some interesting thoughts for you!

“In the beginning, God created heaven and earth, which beginning of time, according to this chronology, occurred at the beginning of the night which preceded the 23rd of October in the year 710 of the Julian period.”

In the right margin of the page, Ussher computes the date in “Christian” time as 4004 B.C.

Get the scoop here: The Annals of the World.

I understand he was a meticulous documenter of his calculations…

Do I personally believe God began Creation 6018 years ago tonight? Read it all

God Makes It Clear: Stephen Hawking Is a Fool

So Jesus came and died to redeem him.

Mr. Hawking said about something or other, “if there were a God. Which there isn’t.”

“The fool hath said in his heart,
There is no God.”
(Psalm 14:1)

I can admire or mock Mr. Hawking’s brash ignorance and unbelieving foolishness, but the big question for me is whether I live in daily acknowledgement of God’s existence. Read it all

Full Harvest SuperMoon

As seen near Hubbard, Oregon, the night of September 9, 2014
“And God made two great lights;
the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night:
he made the stars also.”

(Genesis 1:16)

The big night was September 8-9, 2014. The three photos I got that night aren’t so great.

So here are my photos the following night, taken 8:04-8:19 pm (Pacific) on September 9.

Supermoon rising behind trees east of Hubbard, Oregon USA
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” (Psalm 19:1).

Read it all

Above all, love God!