Can’t We All Just Pull Together?

Well, sure. We could. But...

I shuffled along through the dirt, water can subtly shifting my weight, water shower generously dampifying the vegetable plants. (Were they corn, beans, beets, or squash? I don’t remember and you don’t care.)

“Which is more important?” The weight of the question shifted my mind this way and that. “Pulling together. Standing for truth. Pulling together. Standing for tru…”

I concluded that if I must choose one over the other, I will choose truth.

Actually, though, I vote for standing together on truth so we can truly pull together. If we don’t stand on truth, we will slip and slide while trying to pull together. You just can’t pull well when you aren’t on solid footing. I would even argue that you can’t pull safely in such a circumstance. Read it all

Prayer Chewing

An absent son, a present pancake, a father's present

Some folks go prayer walking.

toasted pancakeA few minutes ago, I chose to do some prayer chewing. (Why not?)

Our youngest son Andy is on the East Coast somewhere singing with Tapestry Chamber Singers. He likes to eat leftover pancakes, toasted. I needed a late afternoon snack. I opened the fridge. I saw a bag with leftover pancakes from yesterday morning’s breakfast.

I toasted one in his honor. And thought of him. And prayed for him. While I chewed. (It’s what Dads should do.) Read it all

I Took What Wasn’t Mine (and I Can’t Return It)

How to overcome habitual time theft

Let me tell you how to save 5 minutes…for someone else.

Recently I gave a Sunday evening talk at my home congregation. I talked 5 minutes into the pastor’s sermon time.

On an earlier occasion, I arranged to meet a friend. I arrived 5 minutes after the set time.

On each occasion, I took 5 minutes that weren’t mine.

When I am late to an appointment or when I’m overtime in a presentation, is that…

  • time theft?
  • inconsiderate rudeness?
  • valuing me more highly?
  • taking advantage of another?

How could it not be at least one of those?

So…how do you explain being late or over time?

Actually, never mind that. I’m far more interested in how to overcome habitual time theft from another. Read it all

Above all, love God!