A Facebook Trayvon Discussion

OK, I don’t want to get hung up on the Trayvon Martin case. However, I thought posting a series of comments from my Facebook Wall would help clarify what I was getting at as well give a little “equal time” to an alternate perspective.

Yesterday evening I posted a link to my Why Trayvon Martin? post and this developed: Read it all

Black Ethiopian Christians in Saudi Arabia

Something about that combination of words seems to portend bad news.

But despite the fact that bad news markets well in our day (“If it bleeds, it leads”), a fast search shows this one not getting much attention out there:

Why is Christian persecution in Saudi Arabia ignored?Read it all

Needed: Real Pacifiers

I just Googled peace prize and gospel treyvon (among other searches), checking for recent (last 24 hours) news stories.

From what I could tell, no Nobel Peace Prize winner has stepped up to knock down the fires since my post yesterday, Calling Peace Prize Laureates. (Or before, for that matter.)

Nor could I see any evidence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being offered as applicable to the race mess that continues to burble and gurgle. Read it all

Above all, love God!