SCOTUS: From ArizonaScare to ObamaCare?

ArizonaScare™ — I made that up all by myself. Hmmm. I should go back and insert a trademark sign by that, just for the fun of it. (Hang on a bit while I see if I remember how to do it…)

ArizonaScare™ is my monicker for SB1070 (you know, Arizona’s infamous and/or noble immigration law). Don’t ask me why. πŸ™‚

Might the Supreme Court’s decisions in the Arizona case lead us to correct conclusions about the ObamaCare case? Read it all

What’s the Opposite of Gay Pride?

I’d been thinking that the opposite of “gay” pride is “straight” humility.

But I just wondered a bit ago if matching up double opposites would have the same effect as a double negative in English.

Thus the opposite of gay pride might be straight pride or gay humility.

Because straight humility might be doubly opposite of gay pride and thus Read it all

Above all, love God!