Pending October Surprises?

October Surprise — a news or “news” event which potentially influences the outcome of an election, particularly one for the US presidency.

Well, folks, we’re well into October. What surprises might “they” have pending in an effort to influence or even alter the outcome of the US Presidential election?

Is it really possible that someone will persuasively make the case that… Read it all

Prohibited at Night

Some laws, codes, and ordinances boggle the mind for their brazen assault on freedom.

“It shall be prohibited for any person or group of persons to loiter or congregate on Bourbon Street for the purpose disseminating any social, political, or religious message between the hours of sunset and sunrise.”

Threatened With Arrest for Preaching on Bourbon Street After Sunset

Two Christian Brothers in Presidential Debate?

Are Barack Obama and Mitt Romney brothers in Christ and disciples of the Lamb of God? I don’t know.

Both President Obama and Governor Romney testify to Christian faith. (See the quotes at the end of this post.) I take that to mean they both declare themselves to be followers of Jesus.

Well, then, what an opportunity they have to show to millions the effects of the Gospel of Jesus on the life of an individual! Read it all

Ahmadinejad Preaches to the United Nations

Who cares what some “third world” leader (and a likely “puppet” at that) has to say?

A lot of people have that attitude.

But this is the man “at the helm” of a nuke-bent radical state.

So I offer you some excerpts from Joel C. Rosenberg’s (books) piece: Read it all

Clovis First: Illegal Immigrants?

Earlier this week, a (liberal, but does that matter?) friend on Facebook shared a photo of a tee shirt that says, “Illegal immigration started in 1492.”

I commented: “Wow! That’s quite recent! ;-)”

Now this afternoon I learn about the Clovis people, upon whom science had settled as the first native Americans. (I don’t recall ever hearing of them before.)

Turns out, though, that (until this settled science gets unsettled) Read it all

Above all, love God!