The Voting Christian: Helping God

Is voting our part in God exercising His sovereignty over the affairs of men?

I believe the Christian should abstain from voting in political elections. I leave in the hands of our sovereign God the setting up and taking down of political leaders.

I have Christian friends, though, who believe that voting is our part in God exercising His sovereignty over the affairs of men. One of them wrote to me in a Facebook comment:

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Mr. Levin, It’s No Use

Mark Roth tells Mark Levin his defense and promotion of the US Constitution is a waste of time. Hope for a Constitutional rescue is pointless. America is lost.

I’ve listened to some of your informed, eloquent, impassioned monologues defending and promoting the US Constitution. Though I think they are helpfully enlightening, I’m convinced you’re wasting your time.

For your laudable mission to succeed, the Constitution must be carefully observed and honored. And protected, defended, and enforced, for it can do none of those for itself.

Alas, far too many judicial and political leaders entrusted with such a task have been (and are) derelict in that. Furthermore, far too much of the populace just doesn’t care. And both of those numbers are on the rise, not the wane.

The judicial, political, Constitutional war to preserve this republic as founded is lost. Nothing can be done to rescue the United States of America. Nothing. Do the political and cultural math — the numbers just aren’t there. Read it all

Reflections: Election 2012

I eyeball 🙄 😯 😕 😐 the political scene without entangling myself in the political drama (or is it merely a play?).

When I go grocery shopping, I also eyeball others’ unbelievably loaded shopping carts and the “food stamp” Oregon Trail cards they use for payment…and I remember Alexis de Tocqueville: Read it all

Looking Down on American Politics

Erick Erickson has an amazing piece at Red State.

Though I disagree with his closing line as applied to Christians — “Now go vote! The future of the nation is at stake!!!!” — and though I wish he wouldn’t engage in partisan commentary for an article such as this, I still find much which I can affirm.

So I’ve excerpted most of what’s particularly outstanding to me. Read it all

Above all, love God!