Pray for the Peace…

…of Jerusalem.

Barack Obama links Israel peace plan to 1967 borders deal

Barack Obama is to pursue an ambitious peace plan in the Middle East involving the recognition of Israel by the Arab world in exchange for its withdrawal to pre-1967 borders, according to sources close to America’s president-elect.

Obama intends to throw his support behind a 2002 Saudi peace initiative endorsed by the Arab League and backed by Tzipi Livni, the Israeli foreign minister and leader of the ruling Kadima party.

The proposal gives Israel an effective veto on the return of Arab refugees expelled in 1948 while requiring it to restore the Golan Heights to Syria and allow the Palestinians to establish a state capital in east Jerusalem.

Bad (though not surprising) news.

Ken Ya Be President?

Look. I thought this might interest you. But don’t go jumping to any conclusions about me because I’m calling your attention to this! 😯

Obama’s Kenya Birth

It is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the United States Presidential candidate, was born in Mombosa Kenya.

And how did I come across this piece?

Well, Google told me — because of the use of Anabaptists in the post.

Yup, that’s right. Anabaptists.

You see, the paragraph before the one I quoted says this:

I am an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a native evangelist and translator for the Anabaptist churches in Kenya. I am the official Swahili translator for the annual Anabaptists Conference held each year in Africa, working with the American bishops sitting upon the Continental Presbytery of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa. I am fluent in Swahili and in English. I am a former teacher in Kenya, and travel extensively in the ministries of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa throughout Kenya, Uganda and the Sudan.

I’ll indulge one comment: Interesting.

Oh, and a post from yesterday in the above blog has these tidbits I extracted:

How many readers are aware this has been going on behind the scenes?

Apparently the Obama team has been thrown a wrench that they thought they had put behind them. A solid date has finally been issued by the US. Supreme Court for Obama to prove his Birth Certificate.

The case is now quietly before the US Supreme Court and he has been ordered to provide proof by December 1, 2008. The Electoral College meets in December for the official election of our President.

The United States could be headed for a Constitutional crisis not provided for in the constitution. Meaning there is no precedent or constitutional instruct on how to proceed if Obama is found ineligible to serve.

I wonder if WorldNetDaily has anything to say about this. Lemme check….

Nope, not that I saw just now, anyway.

Yawn here. Thank you.

(Now I’d better get back to work!)

Hang on. Before I do that….

If the US Supreme Court were to de-elect President-elect Obama, who would be the new President-elect?

  1. Senator Biden, since he’s the present Vice President-elect?
  2. Senator McCain, since he’s the Presidential candidate with the second greatest amount of votes in Election 2008?
  3. President Bush, since he’s the sitting President?
  4. Vice President Cheney, since he’s the sitting Vice President?
  5. Senator Clinton, since she would have been the Democrat nominee if Senator Obama hadn’t beat her in the primaries?

OK, that’s enough of that. The whole thing requires a willing suspension of disbelief. 😆

Voices and Prayers and Life Truths

Andrée Seu posted another good piece over at WorldMagBlog:

As I listened to John McCain giving his gracious concession speech last night I realized that, from here on in, his voice will fade, fade, fade away into the ether (where is Geraldine Ferraro?), and Barack Obama’s voice will wax.

But eventually Obama’s own voice will disappear into the slipstream of history, like a ship’s wake that rushes away from us even as we watch from the stern. We are but froth on the sea.

And how about A Prayer for the President-Elect? It concludes this way:

For the sake of your own Son, who intercedes every moment for your people, give us grace to honor everyone, love the brotherhood, fear you, and to honor President-elect Barack Obama. In the name of King Jesus, we ask. Amen.

And to close this post, I call your attention to some Life Truths I posted earlier this morning.

Congratulations, Mr. Obama

God has chosen to elevate you as President-elect of the United States of America, just as He chose to elevate Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, and Nixon before you. (And many others, of course.)

May God be exalted in your administration. And in this country as a result of your administration.

May He keep you and your family.

And may God’s people find in Him the grace and renewal they need for the dim times in which we find ourselves…and for the darkening times which hover on the horizon.

Meanwhile, in other news, Israel launches first airstrike on Gaza since June. I wonder if this portends the trend in the Middle East over the next two months, as the Israelis prepare for President Bush’s departure from office.

Oh, and I’m glad I can not expect Mr. McCain’s disappointed legions to resort to riots and street battles and violent protests.

Obama “Notch”es Up Extra Point

Fraud Alert!

Do the math yourself 🙄

Democrat Barack Obama came up a big winner in the presidential race in Dixville Notch, N.H., where the nation's first Election Day votes were cast and counted early Tuesday.

Obama defeated John McCain 15-6. Independent Ralph Nader was also on the ballot, but received no votes.

The first voter, following tradition established in 1948, was picked ahead of the midnight voting and the rest of the town’s 19 registered voters followed suit in Tuesday’s first minutes.

That may well summarize this whole election thing.

If Barack gets an extra vote for every twenty cast, he should be settin’ pretty well before this time tomorrow night.


Above all, love God!