I was acquainting myself with some of what’s new at the White House. Virtually, that is. On their Web site. And I came across this gem:
Well, that seemed kinda tacky and tactless and hardly in keeping with any kind of reconciliation and civility and statesmanship and bipartisanship and postpartisanship and blah, blah, blah. 🙄
So I got curious about what other promises (current or broken) I might turn up there using their search feature. Well, a search for the term promises turned up this:
What’s with that?! That’s not a very helpful search feature. Well, I decided to see if Google could do better:
Maybe the techno gurus who run whitehouse.gov need to use the powered by Google option, if nothing else. 😀
Then I remembered seeing a headline that might explain the faulty search feature on the White House site:
Oh, “it’s all Bush’s fault.”
Well, that’s just how the game is played I guess. Nothing seems to have changed in that regard. 🙂
I know, I know. There are weightier things going on there. But a little low-key levity seems in order. 😆
And if the BDS2-afflicted conspiracy cooks want to use my discovery as proof of less-than-the-promised-transparency…too bad I helped. 
Seriously, though, an appeal to President Obama: More magnanimity, please. Sow it, reap it — sounds like a good deal to me, sir.