They Were Taught That?!

Check out these two excerpts from the 1691 New England Primer:

In Adam’s Fall
We Sinned all.

Thy Life to Mend
This Book Attend.

Where were the protesters and objectors and suers?

And the parents — didn’t they care?!

Where were the legislatures and the courts and the governors and the city counselors and the district attorneys and the meter maids?

What about equality and equal time and fairness doctrines for other religions and non-religions?

Didn’t they care separation of church and state?

And the poor children with such dreadful thoughts poked in their heads!


Ah, those were the days. No wonder the country then was in such poor shape. 😯

(And I suppose next we’ll hear parents spanked their children and made them be quiet at the table and didn’t let them play all rowdy-like on Sundays.)

Georgia: Peachy for Life

A poll shows Georgia is the most pro-life state in the union, indicating that 57% of voters favor the overthrow of Roe vs. Wade.

This is roughly ___ points above the next nearest state polled.

How many percentage points do you think Georgia is ahead of the next nearest state? (I was surprised.)

Here’s the opening paragraph of the source story:

On July 20th of this year, the voters in over forty-five Georgia counties, representing all thirteen Congressional Districts, will have an opportunity to answer the pressing question of when life begins. Appearing on the July 20th Primary ballot is the following poll, “Do you support an amendment to the Georgia state constitution so as to provide that the paramount right to life is vested in each human being from the earliest biological beginning until natural death?”

Source: Coming to a Ballot Near You: When Does Life Begin?

Whether or not you vote in Georgia, pray for God-honoring, life-supporting results.

(Isn’t Georgia the peach state?)

Putin’s Next Move?

So I suppose you’re thinking I’m going to blame Russia’s Putin for the plane crash that killed Poland’s president and others.

Oh. Please. 🙄

OK, the “I am not a kook” disclaimer aside, I admit to wondering if the above tragedy was an orchestrated event or will lead to orchestrated events or both or neither.

Watch Russia, that’s what I say.

Was Poland’s leader a nationalist?

Was he a so-called right winger?

What influences will Russia exert in the Leader Replacement Process in Poland?

Russia aside, will The Mysterious They use this as another step toward OWG?

Who’s next?

For the record, I learned about this on Twitter when I saw Poland and Polish President as trending topics.

Furthermore, I have read only one very short news article on this disaster.

Whatever happened, is happening, and will happen, nothing is a surprise to God nor beyond His control.

May God be able to comfort the families and friends of the dead.

May God use my former student and his wife and their colleagues serving in Poland.

May God use His other people in Poland.

And may God bless Poland.

Health Care Reform

Some questions and comments reflecting on health care reform -- #hcr --

Some comments and some questions, none of them intended to be political even though they reflect on and about a political issue:

  1. If I take health care and turn it into real he chat, I have reformed it. Too bad I didn’t improve it. Or deliver on its promise and purpose.
  2. Most of the time I forgot to pray.
  3. I am amazed to witness a political majority going against the will of the citizen majority. Now to see on what else they defy and withstand the will of the people.
  4. The bill barely got enough votes to pass. Four fewer and it would have failed. For such sweeping, generational changes…oh, never mind.
  5. I am still kinda stunned that anyone would vote for and thus put their name to legislation without at least reading it first. I’m guessing the majority of those who voted for it will eventually be surprised at something they supported.
  6. Why does it take so long to kick in? Because it really isn’t about health care. It’s about kidnapping the health issue to expand control…and test the limits of the tolerant populace.
  7. Will any court have the integrity and spine to rule against it?
  8. More alarming to me than actual passage of the bill was that they seriously and publicly considered not voting for it directly. Such a disposition bodes no good for the country nor for the rule of law. We are in greater peril than I realized heretofore.
  9. Do they know better than the people? Quite possibly.
  10. Who gets exempted from having to abide by it? And what’s the significance of that?
  11. How does it treat the most vulnerable?
  12. It’s been six days since passage of the bill and about four since President Obama signed it. As a result of this bill, who has health care now that didn’t then?
  13. What are the unintended consequences?
  14. And perhaps more importantly, what are the hidden intended consequences?
  15. And what’s with the provisions in it that have nothing to do with health care?
  16. Maybe it would have been better to take all that non-existent money and plowed it into Social Security before it finishes collapsing. Too late. Oh well.
  17. Christians, a message for you: God is the Sovereign One. That hasn’t changed. And never will. Keep your trust in Him and fear not. Set your affection on things above. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. And pray.

Census 2010

It came today.

I haven’t opened it yet.

Maybe I shouldn’t. It doesn’t have my name on it. Instead it has TO RESIDENT AT. 😯

How lame is that?!

Tain’t my name.

Never has been.

Maybe I should mark the envelope “Return to Sender” and give it back to the Postal Service.


(Some folks think Christians shouldn’t fill out the census. I disagree.)

Asylum for Homeschoolers

We have customers who finally had to move from Germany to another European country for the same reason the Romeikes moved to the US:

Uwe and Hannelore Romeike may have been considered outside the norms of civil society in their native Germany, but not in Morristown, Tennessee, where they and their five children now live. The Romeikes are homeschoolers who are determined to provide the education for their children, ranging in age from two to twelve. In Morristown, that is about as controversial as bass fishing, but in Germany it is a crime.

The Romeike's tale is big news today, with both TIME Magazine and The New York Times devoting major stories to their plight, and to the fact that a federal immigration judge in Memphis granted them asylum — and homeschooling is the reason.

As Campbell Robertson reports in today’s edition of The New York Times, the Romeike’s determination to homeschool their children ran into direct collision with German laws banning the practice: “Among European countries, Germany is nearly alone in requiring, and enforcing, attendance of children at an officially recognized school. The school can be private or religious, but it must be a school. Exceptions can be made for health reasons but not for principled objections.”

Source: Where Homeschooling is Outlawed — Asylum?

I am thankful for the freedom we have in the United States (yet) to educate our children according to the dictates of our conscience.

Above all, love God!