Cheers for Cash-Free Oregon DMV

Wherein the papery place finally offers a paperless payment option

If you’re an Oregonian, you may know the feeling of being in to DMV to renew license plate tags, change a vehicle title, or otherwise part with your money in one way or another. You fill out the paperwork with info and your version of John Henry. You hand over your plastic bank-in-a-wallet to pay, and . . .

“I’m sorry. We only take cash or checks.”

Oh. Right. Of course. You knew that. Great.

No more. I just saw this big, fat headline: Read it all

When a Pastor Gives Up…

who will weep, who will shoulder the blame?

This evening I feel twinges of nostalgia and sadness. And perhaps a twitch of a whiff of bitterness? No, I overcame that a long time ago.

Twenty-five years ago this evening, at the Mennonite church in Santa María (Sonora, Mexico), the first national minister of that congregation was ordained.

photo of Emanuel church in Santa Maria

As I recall, my Dad (James Roth) gave the charge. And as I recall, the church’s “founding father” (Joe Mast) as well as two members of BMF Missions (Merle Kropf and Wilton Smucker) were there from Oregon as well. I was the congregation’s pastor.

I continued in that role til I resigned in March or April (as I fuzzily recall) so Manuel Torres could take over. My family and I had to leave the field (in May, I think). Read it all

Choice: Women’s Bodies

What are the limits to the "choice" logic of Roe v Wade?
My Body My Choice anti-Dobbs protest placard

On this day, millions without natural affection (and millions of others) celebrate: enough Supreme Court “justices” figured out a woman can do what she wants with her body.

As a result of Roe v Wade, a girl or a woman in the United States may legally…

  • Sell one of her kidneys for research, transplant, or knick-knack.
  • Accept pay in exchange for welcoming a man into her body.
  • Destroy an embryo (or kill a fetus or slice up a baby) within her.

It’s her body, after all. Read it all

What Happened 6018 Years Ago Tonight?

A bishop's creative calculations might be the beginning of some interesting thoughts for you!

“In the beginning, God created heaven and earth, which beginning of time, according to this chronology, occurred at the beginning of the night which preceded the 23rd of October in the year 710 of the Julian period.”

In the right margin of the page, Ussher computes the date in “Christian” time as 4004 B.C.

Get the scoop here: The Annals of the World.

I understand he was a meticulous documenter of his calculations…

Do I personally believe God began Creation 6018 years ago tonight? Read it all

August 6: Little Boy and the Preacher’s Family

How he wasn't blessed by the crew that was blessed.

August 6, 1945 — I’m surprised at how little I saw it mentioned today. Twice, as I recall. Do you remember its significance in history? If not, I don’t suppose Little Boy constitutes much of a hint.

Here are two excerpts from the first mention I saw:

There he met a Lutheran minister, Yamauchi, who explained the Scripture to him.

Across the ocean, a Lutheran chaplain prayed over the crew of the Enola Gay before it lifted into the air carrying the atomic bomb named Little Boy which destroyed Hiroshima.

Read it all

Above all, love God!