Was I an Angel, Unaware?

He just might have thought so...

I was on my evening stroll (instead of my usual fast-paced walk), still headed in the general direction of my wife’s last-known-to-me general location. (No, the photo is not where I was at the time; four minutes earlier, I was there.)

my feet straddling the yellow line

It was raining. Somewhat to kinda breezy. Not particularly warm. I was wearing my big winter coat, oversized hood umbrellaing my head, hands drawn up into the sleeves.

I heard a car approaching from behind. Slowing down, it was. Read it all

Migrating Hummingbirds and We Feeders

“If we refill our hummer feeder, will we discombobulate their migration schedule?”

Our morning concern yesterday weighed heavily enough on us that I did some quick research. After all, we didn’t want our zooming little “pets” to stick around too long and then experience . . . ah . . . “weather issues” here in northwest Oregon.

We replenished the feeder with our usual homemade hummingbird juice, because… Read it all

Dead Mouse Died Mysterious Death

Yesterday morning, before anyone else was up, I stepped into our closed, attached garage and saw a puzzling scene.

A dead mouse lay on the floor. Weird.

I stepped over to where I could see the trap I’d set the night before. It was sprung and empty. Weird.

We have no critter poison available for public consumption in the garage. (Not for non-public consumption, either).

We have no interested-in-killing-mice-but-not-eating-them cat. (No cat at all, for that matter.)

I didn’t tinker with the scene at all, not in real life, not on my computer, not on any digital device.

So what’s the explanation for this?

Dead mouse not in sprung trap
See the upside down sprung trap in the “alley”?

I don’t know what happened.

What’s your theory?

Replacing the Pudding River Bridge

So the county (Marion? Clackamas?) is planning to replace our nice, old, unique, historic, bent bridge across the Pudding River, eh?

You know, the one east of Hubbard (Oregon, naturally) on Whiskey Hill Road.

Replacing it is fine and dandy with me…provided they leave it there. 😯

They could restrict access to foot traffic, put picnic tables on it, and so forth. Of course, they would have to put the new bridge a few feet upstream from it. Read it all

Above all, love God!