Breakfast: Madras, Oregon

Wow, we had a “super duper good” breakfast here:

I’m telling you, Apple Peddlers feeds you well and feeds you big.

I ordered their Denver Omelet:

What you see of the omelet is half of what I got! I didn’t move it from where the “remains” sit…and what I ate went clear over to the edge of the plate nearest you.

I didn’t have room for quite all the omelet. The pancakes were left over, except I peeled off the crispy edge of the top one. I like crispy pancake edges.

For only $8.55 — Delicious!

Updated at 7:33 am on January 29: I should have said, we were driving that red Ford Explorer. It belongs to Luke and LaVay. But it could belong to you. It’s for sale.

Weather: Madras, Oregon

Well, we came over yesterday morning.

And we were hoping to go home this afternoon.

But we’ve got this:

Madras Snow on Fence

The forecast this morning was for 1-2 inches of snow here. 🙄 Lo and behold, we have 4-6 inches here at Luke and LaVay’s…with more falling.

And there’s bound to be more on Highway 26 past Mount Hood.

What’s it going to be like there! 😯

I definitely don’t want to drive in this…and I certainly don’t want to drive on this:

Madras Snow on Fence

I like snow. Especially when I’m at home. And especially when I don’t have to drive in it…especially if I have to chain up…and chains are required in the Mt. Hood area.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! 😥

Oh well. 😀

Remember: click the images for a larger version

Christmas Is Closer

We have another “hint” of Christmas when this is about our place:

Christmas tree hauling helicopter overhead

Our landlord grows Christmas trees. They’re hauled out of the fields by helicopter. The drop-off area is right out our living room window. The picture above was taken about two hours ago. The helicopter pilot is getting his bearings before starting to haul trees.

Here he comes in for his first landing here of the season:

First landing here of the season

Apparently he had to wait for the tree cutters to get enough done before he could start hauling. (That’s our back porch, our driveway, and a friend’s car.)

OK, here comes the first load!

First load of Christmas trees

That’s shot through our living room window, as is this of him coming in for his first refueling:

Coming for the first chopper refueling

And here’s a zoomed-in photo, also taken from our living room:

Hop along guys!

We’ll have some noisy days for several weeks now. But it’s very fascinating (and exciting and special) to watch.

Helicopters are so neat.

Oh, these guys are Panhandle Helicopter Inc (from Idaho). Safe flying, guys!!

A Work of Heart

And a work of art, too.

Our oldest granddaughter Juli turned five last week.

Our middle daughter Dora saw a cake photo in a magazine. So on Friday she used the photo, her own imagination, a bunch of ingredients, and at least two hours of her life.

The result:

[Juli's cake by Aunt Dora]

[Juli's cake by Aunt Dora]

A very good job, I dare say, especially for one who has taken no lessons to do such stuff.

PS: A bunch of us ate a bunch of it last night.

As usual, clicking the image will take you to one twice the size.

Licking the cake didn’t have the same effect. Well, I assume it wouldn’t have. I didn’t actually try it.

Above all, love God!