Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine

It belonged to my Grandma Roth; I inherited it from Aunt Rosie.

This Singer Featherweight 221 sewing machine belonged to my Grandma Roth. It seems like I inherited it four years ago from my Aunt Rosana Roth. (That’s a funny way to put it, I know.) My wife Ruby Roth tested it a little bit and said it works wonderfully. She’d like to keep it to use. I’d like to keep it because it belonged to my Grandma (and because Ruby would like to keep it). And certain stuff that’s older than I am also appeals to me. 😀 Read it all

A Cappella Choral Music CDs in World Magazine

The Acclamation Chorale and The Oasis Chorale with Mennonites singing

World magazine, in its current issue, has a sidebar about two a cappella music CDs. What so amazing to me is that these are by Mennonite (or mostly Mennonite) youth (or mostly youth). Also amazing is that these are the kind of Mennonites that practice the Christian woman’s headship covering. Most amazing of all, though, is this: our son Andrew is a tenor in the Acclamation Chorale. That’s just pretty special. 🙂

The Acclamation Chorale in World magazine

Here’s what Arzenio Orteza has to say in his World sidebar: Read it all

How to Earn $901.65 a Month. On the Side.

At least. Easily. Eventually. Maybe even effortlessly, kinda.

Short answer: “Persuade 500 people to pay you $2 a month for an essential service.”

Longer answer: “Be a good seller who can help people see the advantages of using an email address for a mere $25 a year. But before that, you would need to buy the service, site, and domain from me. And you would also need to pay out $84 a month for the service to power the service. ”

So…why am I not earning at least $561.09 a month via this great service? I am not a good seller nor a good persuader. So I haven’t been able to get even 10 people paying $25 a year for this service.

And I probably won’t persuade you to buy the service, site, and domain from me. (But I’ve been wrong before.)

Buy for $3000!

Of course, you could forget the whole pursuit of filthy lucre and “unseemly capitalist profit” and offer the service for free. (But I really can’t offer it to you on that basis.)

OK, Pull Up Your Keyboard and Let’s Write a Smashing Craigslist Ad

Read and learn -- and contribute to its improvement...

Google will show you plenty of theories and pointers for writing the perfect Craigslist ad. And Amazon has a few books on the subject as well (for instance, Make Money Posting Ads on Craigslist).

But I’m going to show you a real live unique Craigslist ad-in-the-making. I hope to list it there within 24 hours (just in time to sell the car this weekend, you know).

The rest of this post is The Ad itself. Read it. Study it. Learn from it. And Read it all

Book Lot: Quilting and More

Five hardcover books for the quilter. Well, three of them for the quilter! Buy them all for $25 and shipping is free.

I have five, nice-condition, hardcover books to sell as a lot for $25, postage paid.

Please note:
These titles link to
their Amazon pages.
Will open new browser window.

I have only one each of these books, so first-come-first-served at this price. Read it all

Above all, love God!