Pullicino: “Assisted Death Pathway”

Early this morning I saw this in the UK papers (and Malta’s, I think):

NHS hospitals are using end-of-life care to help elderly patients to die because they are difficult to look after and take up valuable beds, a top doctor has warned.

He talks about removing a “patient from the LCP despite significant resistance.”

Oh, you don’t know about LCP? Read it all

Sunshine Dad

I’m indebted to Emily Smucker for today’s unexpected food for thought.

A photo-posting error on her part triggered this reminder for me:

At times I must be a source of sunshine for my children.

If I purposed to be that more often, what effect would it have on their dark times?

And what would it do for my own dreary times? Read it all

Discouraged, Dismayed, and Dismal?

6 practical tips to discourage depression

Then you may not want to bother reading this.

Especially if you find a certain pleasure in being down and disheartened.

I understand. Too well. So well I empathize.

Which is why I am posting some practical things that help me cast down dejection. Read it all

Above all, love God!