“I Think I Made a Great Scientific Discovery”

I'd originally been looking at my nose.

And like most discoveries of any significant magnitude, I came upon it quite by accident.

In my peripheral vision, really.

So I looked directly. At myself. As I studied the mirror.

I’d originally been looking at my nose. Now my attention was focused elsewhere, distracted by those goings on previously at the edge of my vision.

Yep. I’d definitely learned something new, even this far past my 54th birthday.

I hurried to the kitchen for my wife’s help in confirming this amazing accidental discovery.

“I think I made a great scientific discovery!”

She was busy with supper preparations, but she humored me with less-distracted attention. Read it all

Weapons-Grade Assault Food

I've led a sheltered life -- I had no idea.

First of all, I’ve led a sheltered life — I had no idea about triangular pancakes. 😳

Second of all, what’s to keep the aggressive “non-lambs” from cutting their altered flapjacks back into weapons-grade assault triangles? 😯

Third of all, here’s the story as I copied and pasted it: Read it all

Pending October Surprises?

October Surprise — a news or “news” event which potentially influences the outcome of an election, particularly one for the US presidency.

Well, folks, we’re well into October. What surprises might “they” have pending in an effort to influence or even alter the outcome of the US Presidential election?

Is it really possible that someone will persuasively make the case that… Read it all

Above all, love God!