Kenneth Miller Trial: Day 1

After this paragraph, the rest of this post was written by Loyal Martin, one of the observers present at Kenneth Miller’s trial. Loyal did not write this for use here at Ain’t Complicated, but he did give me permission to republish his report here. Thank you, Loyal! (I made some minor proofreading changes.) Now, his report of the proceedings on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

We arrived at court about 9:00 this morning in time to hear the opening statements from the prosecution and the defense. Throughout the day the prosecution brought 5 witnesses which gave testimony. Read it all

Penn State, Nineveh, Sandusky, and Me

You know about Jerry Sandusky and Pennsylvania State University and the sodomy stuff, right? Sure you do (you’re online, after all).

Do you also know about Nineveh and the evil in that city?

Well, Jonah certainly knew about Nineveh…and he certainly wasn’t going there on any errand of grace and mercy! But now look what I did; I got ahead of myself… Read it all

Passive Parenting, Benign Neglect

Benign — “good, kindly, benignant, benevolent, tender, humane, gentle, compassionate.”

Someone tell me how neglecting the child(ren) in my care can be described accurately as benign. 😯

I know, I know — we can refer to it as benign in the sense that it is “not malignant.” But still, how is it not a malignant thing to neglect my children? Read it all

Sunshine Dad

I’m indebted to Emily Smucker for today’s unexpected food for thought.

A photo-posting error on her part triggered this reminder for me:

At times I must be a source of sunshine for my children.

If I purposed to be that more often, what effect would it have on their dark times?

And what would it do for my own dreary times? Read it all

Headlines: March 7, 2012

In my scope today. No, I didn’t read all of the stories all the way through.

Disclaimer, Jr: The story featuring President Obama isn’t to bash him, but to call attention to Israel’s peril.

Disclaimer III: The two non-linked headlines are thus because I think some of the marginal stories and photos are not necessary for me to link to, even indirectly. Read it all

Above all, love God!