Weapons-Grade Assault Food

I've led a sheltered life -- I had no idea.

First of all, I’ve led a sheltered life — I had no idea about triangular pancakes. 😳

Second of all, what’s to keep the aggressive “non-lambs” from cutting their altered flapjacks back into weapons-grade assault triangles? 😯

Third of all, here’s the story as I copied and pasted it: Read it all

Polymorphous Promiscuity Will Prevail

Why should paedophilia be wrong or illegal any more than are promiscuity, divorce, shacking up, and homosexuality?

For quite a while, I’ve had in mind to pose such a question to make this point: I expect paedophilia will be the new gay, though paedophiles will hijack their own mainstream term.

Give it a few years. Not that many. It won’t take that much longer.

Then Andrée and I (and you?) will have another scarlet letter pinned to us: P.


Well, see what you make of this: Read it all

America’s Forty-Year War

Roe v Wade -- genocide, civil war, choice, murder? All? None?

Looking back on this day in 1972:

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Trouble and Tea Meet in Dorcas Smucker’s Teapot

I pour myself a cupload for the hilarity...and am not disappointed. Then I discover the life lessons...and am blessed.

Closing his devotional at a recent Hopewell business meeting, our former bishop remarked that he’d been reading a new book that afternoon and had a quote for us:

When he concluded with “by Dorcas Smucker,” I knew which book he’d been reading. 🙂

A few days after that, I was chatting a bit with one of my high school Spanish students. She had just slipped back into school from her first round of chemo for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Read it all

Above all, love God!