Choice: Women’s Bodies

What are the limits to the "choice" logic of Roe v Wade?
My Body My Choice anti-Dobbs protest placard

On this day, millions without natural affection (and millions of others) celebrate: enough Supreme Court “justices” figured out a woman can do what she wants with her body.

As a result of Roe v Wade, a girl or a woman in the United States may legally…

  • Sell one of her kidneys for research, transplant, or knick-knack.
  • Accept pay in exchange for welcoming a man into her body.
  • Destroy an embryo (or kill a fetus or slice up a baby) within her.

It’s her body, after all. Read it all

How Many Music Makers Can a House Hold?

I don't know about the typical household, but ours has several.

Night before last, as I looked for a certain old photo in one of our albums, I noticed this one:

Andrew Roth baby organ
“Hmmm… Big sister LaVay does this…”

Well, one thing has led to another for our youngest son Andy.

A song by Chayli and Andy
He composed the music for his sister Chayli’s poem.

I don’t know how he does it… Read it all

Yazidis and Christians — Genocide in Progress?

What Christian Aid Ministries is doing to help a "little" bit.


Joel C. Rosenberg reports:


Even the media and the politicians are finally using the term genocide to describe what is going on in Iraq. Read it all

Above all, love God!