Mark and Ruby Roth…in Triplicate

Three photos of us, in order of our age at the time taken

Ruby likes to send out an annual letter to family and friends. We assume most of them would like a refresher course on how we look, so we include a picture of ourselves.

Three days ago, on our way home from my doctor appointment at True Health (Silverton, Oregon), we took a short side trip off Highway 214 to take a picture at the historic Gallon House Bridge. We thought this one was a good candidate to send with our letter:

Mark & Ruby at Gallon House Bridge

It wasn’t til later that I remembered: I had intended to keep backing up til the bridge filled a greater portion of the background. And Ruby noticed something else we should have noticed on the phone screen: I have a sprout out the top of my head. If I had remembered my part, that sprout wouldn’t be there. Well, no use crying over sprouted heads. Or phones held improperly (apparently) and thus causing some skewing in resulting photos.

That evening we went to Willamette Valley Christian School (Brooks, Oregon) to attend their Elementary Christmas Program since our grandson Alec Baer is a first grader there. After the program, we posed with three of our Baer grandchildren and our daughter Chayli took several pictures. This was the candidate to send to our family and friends:

Mark & Ruby Roth with Alec, Emmett, and Sebastian Baer

Yes, I said “three of our” instead of “our three.” Did you notice that? Recently, Chayli did a related blog post.

Well, later that same evening, we took one more batch of pictures here in our home “studio.” The next morning, after doing some cropping, I uploaded this one to Walmart for one-hour printing:

Mark & Ruby Roth 2024

Can you believe that?! 😯 We decided we would send out the oddest of the three photos instead of the most special one (the one with our three grandsons). This blog post is the way to get all three of our 12-12-24 photos in front of your eyeballs.

A blessed Christmas and life to you! And be sure to ponder this seasonal article of mine: Has the Baby Grown Up Yet? And do listen to this Christmas song: Roth Male Octet: For Unto Us a Child Is Born.

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Above all, love God!