When Your Church Has Leadership Selection Looming

What does your congregation need in a leader?

So your church needs another leader. And you get to be part of the leadership selection process. May I help?

No, I don’t mean helping your church pick. And I certainly don’t mean helping by being that leader. I mean, may I help you personally as you “figure out” for whom you will vote?

For the sake of the prospective new leader, know the answers to these three questions:

  • What does being a minister mean in your congregation?
  • To what do you expect him to commit himself?
  • In what areas are church members to obey church leaders?

Before you make your nomination or cast your vote for someone, resolve at least these things about you and him:

  • Is his life record such that you can safely commit yourself to follow his faith, to submit yourself to him, and to obey him? (Hebrews 13:7,17)
  • What about his life generally makes you believe he will watch for your soul? (Hebrews 13:7)
  • Would you make this “pledge of allegiance” to him: “As long as you follow Christ, I will follow you”? (1 Corinthians 11:1)

Four years ago, as our congregation worked its way toward two ordinations, I studied God’s qualifications for leaders as He recorded them in the Bible. I studied and wrote and studied and wrote. Finally I posted 44 Biblical Requirements for Church Leaders. What an “impossible” standard God sets! Where could I possibly find anyone who qualifies?!

Well, I most likely don’t know about your church. But I hope you have at least one man who…

  • is a stable, growing, Biblically conservative Christian who loves the Word and is apt to teach.
  • is a sound, independent thinker with a teachable spirit who unflinchingly holds solid Biblical convictions.
  • has a praise-worthy record as a kingdom citizen, as a church member, and as a church office holder.
  • has a shepherd’s heart and already serves the best interests of the Good Shepherd and His flock.
  • complements the present ministerial body, helping to round out its weak areas and fill in its gaps.

Who shall weigh the prospective church leader...and how?

May God give you wisdom and discernment as you and your congregation decide whom to call into church leadership.

PS: Getting hung up on unrealistic ideals will hinder your progress just as surely as fudging on Biblical requirements. And don’t “promote” anyone whose proven leadership model is Chicken Power.

I wrote this yesterday afternoon but waited til today to post it. It has been in my mental hopper for most of this year. (And I wonder who was ordained at “that” church in Montana yesterday.)

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