God in Rags

Unwed mama, miracle son, step-father bonding, journey begun

Little town
country girl
born to carry
heaven’s pearl.

Visiting angel
shocking news
servant’s heart
much to muse.

Cruel rejection
whispers abound
baby bump
talk of town.

Parental pain
what is true?
fiance blamed
search for clues.

Country boy
madly in love
broken heart
betrayal because?

Sleepless nights
dying inside
countless tears
loss of bride.

World shattered
what to do?
angel dream
hope renewed.

Joyous reunion
fiancee restored
hearts overflowing
love outpoured.

Family, friends
can’t understand
sendoff decided
excellent plan.

Blessed acceptance
kindred spirit
feeling kicks
baby dearest.

Fellowship sweet
fireside chats
baby bumps
filling laps.

Change of plans
hurried pack
journey long
aching back.

Birthing pains
town in sight
almost there
starry night.

Fruitless search
hope dying
no room
she’s crying.

Rejection again
birthing fears
pleading hearts
heaven hears.

Animal stable
resting place
grateful sighs
mercy ‘n grace.

Hours drag
coldness creeps
contractions strong
little sleep

Agonized prayer
his heart torn
waiting, pacing
not yet born.

Guttural screams
water burst
head crowning
imminent birth

Pitiful cry
welcome sound
heaven’s blood
spilled on ground.

Tiny fingers
cutest nose
squinting eyes
count the toes.

Heaven’s scent
baby’s breath
nuzzling lips
milk at breast.

Unwed mama
miracle son
step-father bonding
journey begun.

Mission accomplished
plan unthwarted
Son of God
not aborted.

Angels singing
love unfurled
God in rags
Savior of world.

(Written by my cousin Blossom Teele on December 10, 2019 — republished here with her permission.)

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Above all, love God!