Solar Illumination on Frosty Artistry on Steel

Exquisite beauty, albeit temporal

Shortly before 8:00 this morning, Ruby came back in to urge me to go out for a bit and look at some frost designs. I’ve seen them before, but I’m always amazed and awed by them. I took some photos. They don’t need captions.

frosty swirls on truck

frosty swirls on car top

frosty swirls on car top

frosty swirls on car top

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” (Psalm 19:1).

So do frost swirls on cars.

What causes such swirls, anyway?! I suppose at least some of these must be contributors:

two rings around the sun

Yes, the heavens declare the Creator’s glory. So does frost.

I thank God for “putting all the work” into such beauty, even when it lasts for such a short time!

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Above all, love God!