Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine

It belonged to my Grandma Roth; I inherited it from Aunt Rosie.

This Singer Featherweight 221 sewing machine belonged to my Grandma Roth. It seems like I inherited it four years ago from my Aunt Rosana Roth. (That’s a funny way to put it, I know.) My wife Ruby Roth tested it a little bit and said it works wonderfully. She’d like to keep it to use. I’d like to keep it because it belonged to my Grandma (and because Ruby would like to keep it). And certain stuff that’s older than I am also appeals to me. 😀

But we can’t keep hanging on to stuff, this neat little machine included. And we do need the cash. I could list it on eBay, but I’d rather keep it in the extended Roth family, if possible. I even found one listed on Amazon, of all things — listed by some ambitious soul with too much money in mind! (Yes, that’s an affiliate link which would yield a hefty commission for me if you purchased that thing through it!)

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Hey, I forgot to take a photo of the nose end! 😳

So if you’re one of my Roth kin and you’d like to make an offer, please send it to me via this blog’s contact form.

If you’re a friend of mine and would like to make an offer just in case none of my kin do, feel free to do so via the same form.

Additions at 7:17 am on July 20, 2021

If you make an offer, please understand that it is for the items shown only. Actual shipping costs would be separate and added onto your offer after I know what those would be.

Also, if you make an offer, I will let you know the status of it via return email. In other words, I’ll let you know if your offer is less than any current higher offer I have or I’ll let you know your offer is the new highest offer.

Feel free with your questions.

Oh, and if it looks improperly threaded to you in the photos above, blame me, not my wife. In the course of putting the machine back in its case and then taking it back out a couple of times, I managed to drop the spool and just carelessly do this and that with it. Then in the course of taking photos, I did that as well. 😀

Current high offer
(as of 7:36 am on July 20, 2021):

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