I very much appreciate your concern and your teaching and your dedication to communicating it.
You addressed some issues and made some points that I’ve wanted to write about for the last year or more. But then I’ve had lots I’ve wanted to write about… Alas (and/or fortunately), most of it doesn’t ever get done. So I’m glad you tackled this subject!
I secured Peter’s permission to publish his letter here for the open Web. Read it. You just might find in it the very something you’re needing for these days and these times.
After Peter’s letter, I have a few closing comments.
–Mark Roth
June 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending; who is, was, and is to come, the Almighty.
The Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart to write to you concerning the lateness of the hour, the signs of the end of the age, and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also have four warnings the Lord has given me, and some words of encouragement.
In Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, the disciples asked Jesus what would be the sign of his coming, and of the end of the age. I believe Jesus’ prophetic answer, as many prophesies do, had application for those alive at that time, and for a later time. The first fulfillment was in and around AD 70 with the Roman destruction of Jerusalem. The latter fulfillment will be at the end of the age directly preceding the second coming of Jesus Christ. In these passages, Jesus begins by warning us to watch that we are not deceived by those coming in His name, some even claiming to be the Messiah, and deceiving many that the time is near1 He also mentions we will hear of wars and rebellions/revolutions.2 Our Lord says these things will happen, but the end is not yet. He wants us to be aware of these things, but they do not, of themselves, herald the day of the Lord.
However, Jesus goes on to explain more. He speaks of strife among nations and kingdoms, famines, plagues, earthquakes and storms3 in various places4, fearful sights, and great signs in the heavens.5 He tells us when we see all these events then this is the beginning of birth pains.6 This metaphor tells us what to expect. When a mother begins to experience birth pains, then we know her time of delivery is coming. By likening the combination of these events to the beginning of birth pains, it seems Jesus wants us to know that when we see all these events taking place and increasing in frequency and intensity, we are to know the end of the age is approaching. I believe we are seeing all these things — and more.
False Christs and Deceivers
As always, these are still a problem. Take, for instance the New Age teaching of “christ consciousness,” that christ is an aspect of “god self” existing in each person, waiting to be reached, discovered, and crowned as ruler of their being.7 It makes me shudder just writing about it.
Wars and Revolutions
I find it significant that in the last 100+ years, we have experienced two world wars. Nothing like that had ever happened before in recorded history. During and since then, new methods of warfare have been developed, and technology for war has advanced exponentially. Regarding the end times, we need to keep our eyes on Israel. Most recently, there was the 11-day conflict between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza this May. Unfortunately, it seems the fighting may start up again.8
Nation against Nation
The Greek word translated “nation” is ethnos, which refers more to people groups with common kinship, culture, and traditions, than the geopolitical states we more commonly think of when we say “nation.”9 Here in the US, racial tensions have really escalated in the last couple decades, and last summer erupted into violence between groups. Around the world, recent years have seen ethnic groups persecuted and displaced: consider the Kurds, Rohingyas, and Uyghers just to name a few. Animosity and conflict between groups over petty differences is also on the rise; people split and fight based on the smallest things these days. Truly the love of many is growing cold.10
Kingdom against Kingdom
The Greek word translated “kingdom” is basileia. It can refer abstractly to royal power or kingship; as well as the geographical sense of an “area of rule”11 Consider how sharp the division between political ideologies has become recently. Examples include the hotly-contested presidential election here the US, the military coup in Myanmar, and the recent changes in Israel’s government.
Droughts, unusual weather, and locusts destroyed many crops and devastated yields around the world in 2020. This year is off to a worse start. Combined with the lock-downs due to COVID, a hunger crisis gripped the world as people lost their jobs, markets shut down, and supply chains were strained. Some of the poorest were hit the hardest. When you use a large percentage of your income just for daily food, losing that income is devastating. Here in the US food prices have begun to rise, and some areas are experiencing limited availability of certain items. Around the world many are already facing famine, and we may not be too far behind. The global food situation is dire.
The Greek word here, loiomoi means “any deadly infectious malady”12 A particular “deadly infectious malady” comes to mind which the whole world has been dealing with for the last year and a half! I can’t help but notice that Jesus speaks of plagues/pestilences in the plural. I believe we will see more “pandemic” level infections, not to mention COVID variants. More about COVID later, but suffice it to say we’ve seen nothing like this before.
Analysis of publicly available earthquake data shows a rise in the number of significant earthquakes.13 We’re also beginning to have more and larger earthquakes in areas that haven’t had them for a while. This is happening all around the globe. The Greek word translated “earthquake” (seismos) is also used for the “tempest” or “violent storm” on the sea.14 In recent years, we have seen a significant increase in extreme weather events around the globe.15 Likewise, there has recently been a large number of active and erupting volcanoes, and that doesn’t count underwater volcanoes. Volcanism is often preceded or accompanied by earthquakes, so it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me to group it with earthquakes. There are other upheavals going on in the earth as well, such as the accelerating shift of the magnetic poles and weakening of the magnetic field. The whole world is being shaken in various ways.
Fearful Sights
The Greek word is phobethra, is defined as “something which inspires terror; a terrible sight or event.”16 Many things could fit this description, but I think UFO sightings and “alien” encounters and abductions definitely qualify. These have also been on the rise, especially in the last few years, often leaving those who experience them terrified and traumatized. I will come back to this subject as well, since it is very important.
Signs from Heaven
God uses celestial events as signs to mankind.17 Most notable is the Bethlehem star heralding Jesus’ birth.18 One difficulty with signs in the heavens such as eclipses, blood moons, planetary alignments, etc. is interpreting what they mean. We know not to look to astrology, as it is Satan’s perversion of heavenly signs, so we avoid that. Some Christians look at various signs in the heavens and how they align with Jewish feast days, deriving some meaning from that. I find their ideas interesting, but not conclusive, as the interpretations can be very subjective. There is, however, a very compelling correlation between an alignment of heavenly bodies that occurred in 201719 and the apostle John’s description of a sign he saw in heaven, recorded in Revelation 12:1-2, 5. It seems the appearance of this sign in the heavens could be a message to the world indicating the birth pains have begun and the day of the Lord is fast approaching.

I have explored with you examples of all the things Jesus said we would see and experience as the beginning of birth pains leading up to what we call the end times, and His return. It seems to me apparent that all these things are happening at various places and times around the entire world, and quite possible that they are increasing in frequency and intensity. But there are more things Jesus spoke of in answer to the disciples’ question — so let’s move on.
In all three records, Jesus speaks of persecution.20 Truly, the persecution of Christians has been happening to a greater or lesser degree since the stoning of Stephen, but alarmingly, it may now actually be at its worst.21 While we don’t yet widely face it here in the US (though some individuals have certainly suffered for their faith in Christ) we must not forget our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering terribly. Let’s remember to pray for them earnestly, and let Jesus’ words be a warning to us that we, too, most likely will face persecution for our faith in the years or even months ahead. In the world there is a growing hostility toward Christianity, and we need to be spiritually prepared to suffer for His sake. Jesus tells us there will be falling away from the faith, betrayal, hatred, false prophets, deceivers, lawlessness, and a lack of love.22 It may surprise us how much of this comes from within the Church. Jesus says that even friends and family members may betray us.23 Jesus will refine the Church, and many may turn out to be following Him in name only, and turn against the true believers. Let’s take comfort in the fact that whatever God allows us to go through, He will give us the grace to endure. Nothing will happen to us that He does not allow, and any present suffering is not to be compared with the glory that will be hereafter. Plus, if He permits something, it is for our refinement, growth, and His glory.
Jesus gives a warning of what to watch for next: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies…”24 and “When you see the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place…”25 then it’s time to get out of Jerusalem, even Judea! With the recent Gaza conflict, Iran’s nuclear program and threats to wipe Israel off the map, Turkey making anti-Israel statements, and hostilities from Syria and Lebanon, the situation is not looking good for Israel at the moment. Only time will tell if this is the lead-up to the second fulfillment of Jesus prophesy regarding Jerusalem being surrounded by armies. It’s certainly a time to keep our eyes on what’s going on in the Middle East, and to be praying for the peace of Jerusalem.26
Next, Jesus tells of a coming great tribulation,27 one that will be worse than anything before or after it. Historians Josephus and Eusebius recorded details of the terrible events around AD 70, and they certainly fit that description. How can the tribulation then and the tribulation to come both be worse than any other? Perhaps the one in AD 70 will be the worst Jerusalem will face, but the one to come will be the worst the world will ever face. Given what we have already discussed, I believe we are very close to the time of that great tribulation. Some believe we are already in it. It is important as we begin to experience the coming troubles, that we fix our focus firmly on Jesus, who gives us not the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.28 Let’s not allow ourselves to be ruled by fear, or make decisions out of fear. Instead, let’s turn to Jesus and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
I understand there are many different ideas and interpretations when it comes to the time leading up to the day of the Lord, how things will play out, how certain prophesies will be fulfilled, etc. I don’t profess to know exactly where we are, but I feel in my spirit that time is very short. I see no value in arguing with each other about specifics, though discussing them good-naturedly can be beneficial. What I do see value in is encouraging one another to walk ever closer with the Lord, and so much the more, as we see the day approaching.29 As I said at the start of this letter, the Lord has given me the task of sharing with you what He has laid on my heart. Please consider these things prayerfully. Take them to Him and ask Him to confirm or deny them through His Word and the Holy Spirit within you. Now, I will give four warnings regarding some things that are, and some that may be coming.
1. Kings & Kingdoms
As I’ve already discussed, the political landscape here in the US has become extremely polarized and threatening. I have grown increasingly convinced that the whole Left-Right paradigm is a mechanism to divide and distract people. A focus on politics can distract us from our walks with Jesus, and produce feelings in us which are not in line with His character. Instead of evangelizing for Jesus and praying for those who disagree with us politically, it is too easy to fall into the trap of evangelizing for the party and feeling animosity or even hatred toward those with different political opinions. The Right, or conservative movement, generally has ideologies and policies that more closely align with Christianity than those of the left. However, among many Christians closely following the Right, I have detected un-biblical doctrines used to justify things that do not align with the Spirit of Jesus Christ. I’m afraid the conservative movement in this country could be a trap for Christians. Watch out for false christs posing as political leaders. There is salvation in none other than Jesus. Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, to determine if they are from God. Basically, if what anyone says about Jesus does not agree with what the Bible says about Jesus, it is false. This requires our diligence to know what the Bible says about Jesus! Know the genuine article so you can detect a counterfeit. We as Christ’s children should not look to the institutions of man for the solutions to man’s problems. Jesus Christ is the only solution to man’s problems, and any political system ultimately fails and takes many down in the process, distracting them from the true solution: Jesus changing hearts one by one. In our country the Left is in control for now, but if the Right were to rise up and regain control, I urge us as Christians not to jump on their bandwagon. The beast system (see Rev. 13) is revealing itself. It could be realized by any political ideology since it is the system of man, though ultimately under the influence of Satan. I urge the utmost caution in this area. Allegiance to King Jesus alone!
2. Famine & Drought
I have briefly touched on the coming food shortages. There is plenty of news to be found regarding crop failures, low stockpiles, supply chain breakdowns, and more affecting our food supply. To top that all off, inflation is likely to be a growing problem. If you can, stock up on staples while they are still available. If you can grow a garden, do so, and if possible preserve some of what you grow. Let me encourage us though, as Christ’s followers, that we are not to hoard for ourselves, but be ready to share generosly. I foresee a time when sharing food with our neighbors may be a way to show them the love of Jesus and give us an opportunity to share the Gospel as well. Water may also become an issue. One day while I was praying, the Lord impressed this on me in a pretty dramatic way. He almost shouted “Water, water, water” into my mind. It was somewhat overwhelming, and took me a few days to discern what He meant by that. He led me to store a significant supply of water, as well as purchase filtration systems that do not require electricity. I would pass on to you that if possible, store up some potable water in case of emergency. Also, if you can get a filtration system, it may prove to be quite helpful. We purchased a gravity-powered system from outbackwater.com that can provide enough water for a family’s daily needs. The Lord also led me to get a more industrial, higher-capacity filtration system in order to be equipped to help others obtain potable water. I cannot explain this other than to say the Lord instructed me to prepare in these ways. Seek the Lord’s guidance for your own situation — what He had me do may not necessarily be what He would want you to do. Do not make decisions or do things out of fear, but through the Holy Spirit’s leading. And of course, all our preparations are not to be where we place our security. It is the Lord’s provision in which we must trust. He will provide, just as He always does. The Bible is full of stories of His provision of food and water! Again, seek the Lord’s guidance in this for your situation.
3. COVID/Masks/Injections
Regarding COVID, I will try to be brief. Here’s what I believe based on what I’ve learned over the last year-plus:
The virus was most likely manufactured in a lab as a bio weapon. The disease is real, it can be very bad for some, but is generally only somewhat worse than the normal flu.
Cases have been over-reported because the type of test most commonly used to detect the virus was never intended to diagnose, and had its cycles (sensitivity) “turned up” way too high. Most of those who tested positive were never contagious.
Deaths were over-reported due to there being frequently no distinction made between “dying from COVID” and “dying with COVID.” The over-sensitive test also contributed to misdiagnoses in those who passed away.
Lock-downs were unnecessary, ineffective, and have caused un-quantifiable damage to people’s mental health, relationships, walks with God, and livelihoods, not to mention the economy.
Masks were never needed for the general public, and in fact have been shown to suppress people’s immune systems and breed disease when worn for extended periods. They are dehumanizing and deprive the wearer of oxygen, lowering cognitive ability. I asked the Lord specifically about masks, and He told me they are satanic — not the wearing of a mask for legitimate personal protection, but compelling the entire population to wear them as a means to prevent the spread of COVID, when in fact the ultimate intent was to cause harm.
The “vaccine” is an experiment in gene therapy with all participants as the guinea pigs. We were told it was safe and effective. It has not been proven to be either. Time will only tell the level of damage wrought upon the populace of the planet due to the hurried roll-out of this experimental injection. Just look at how they’re pushing it — the propaganda, the bribes, the shaming of those who disagree, the discounting of doctors and immunologists speaking out against it, the suppression of effective treatments — that alone should tell us something is very, very wrong here. I don’t know what the end game with the injection is, but I suspect it won’t be good. I strongly urge anyone who reads this NOT to take the injection. However, don’t make your decision out of fear. Let the Lord direct you. If you have received it, ask the Lord to prevent and reverse any ill effects it may have on your body. Jesus is the great physician, let’s trust in Him, and not in man’s manufactured solutions to his own manufactured problems.

Unfortunately, I think there may be more pandemics in the coming months and years, whether real or faked. We don’t need to overreact in fear, as many did with COVID. Understand that God has created us with amazing natural immune systems. Take care of your body and immune system: get exercise, take immune-boosting supplements, eat fresh fruit and vegetables (preferably organic,) wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, don’t touch your face more than necessary, and don’t do things that harm your body. I know we were told we were protecting each other with the lock-downs and masks, but that was a lie. Look out for lies like that in the future, for there will be many more, lies that appeal to our desire to do good, but are manipulative and actually cause us to participate in harming each other. I could say more on this subject, but I said I’d try to be brief, so I’ll move on.
4. UFOs & Aliens
And now we come to perhaps the toughest subject. I mentioned there has been a rise in UFO sightings, and the subject is being discussed in the media with increased frequency. Included in the COVID relief and federal funding bill President Trump signed into law on Dec. 27, 2020, was verbiage requiring the Pentagon to submit a report to Congress on “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAPs) within 180 days.30 A preliminary assessment was released Friday, June 25.31 Significant persons have also confirmed various videos and accounts as authentic.32 33 Interest in UFOs has gone main stream.34 35 36 There are genuinely unexplained UFO sightings (now some confirmed by the Pentagon), and myriads of accounts of encounters with aliens, abductions, people with missing time after seeing a UFO, night terrors involving aliens, and people receiving physical wounds, or waking up with scars after an encounter. Some accounts may be fabrications, but there are consistencies among people’s accounts, lending credibility to many. There are Christians who have studied this topic and worked with those affected and two things have become apparent. First, many who experience these encounters do so multiple times, end up feeling oppressed, want them to stop, but feel powerless and trapped. Second, those who learn of Jesus Christ are able to claim His name, and become freed from oppression by alien encounters. There are many encouraging testimonies to this fact. This tells us something significant about who these “aliens” really are — demons or unclean spirits. It is likely that many who experience these things have not told anyone, or only a few. There may be some Christians who are oppressed by demon/alien encounters, and have not been able to be freed. If you or someone you know is experiencing these things, they can be dealt with in the name of Jesus Christ backed up by prayer, and possibly fasting.
All this being said, I believe the world is being prepped to accept possibly the greatest deception perpetrated upon mankind. It seems highly likely that in the near future (months, years,) it will be revealed publicly that “aliens” in fact do exist, and they will visit us openly. Now, as stated, I don’t believe that they will really be aliens in the classic, pop-culture sense — beings from another planet who developed advanced spacecraft and have traveled a great distance to Earth. They will be demons/unclean spirits and fallen angels disguised as aliens. What form they take remains to be seen, though there are several kinds that show up consistently in reports. Some of them may be physical and have real space ships. It will be very convincing. You won’t be able to believe your eyes, and you shouldn’t!
I can imagine a number of scenarios, but let me give you just one possibility:
Again, I’m not saying this is how things will play out, but I am imagining one possible scenario of how things could happen. Do you not agree that the world is primed to accept just such a lie? Let’s consider a few Scriptures together:
Galatians 1:8 — Even if angels (messengers) come from heaven preaching a different gospel, don’t believe it!
1 Timothy 4:1 — In the latter days, some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 — Don’t believe the strong delusion, don’t be persuaded by the false miracles, signs, and wonders.
Whatever form this strong delusion takes, it will be highly deceptive, so that, if possible, even the elect would be deceived.37 But we who are Christ’s are kept by His power.38 All the workings of Satan, and that lawless one, the Lord Jesus will destroy by the breath of His mouth!39
Brothers and Sisters, the later times are upon us. Let me encourage you to deal with any hidden sin once and for all. Turn to Jesus for cleansing and healing. Pursue Him above all else. Immerse yourself in His Word, memorize as much of it as you can, and read all of it. Pray without ceasing.40 My family in Christ, it is out of deep love for each of you that I have written this letter. I do not want any of you to be lost to the tricks of that old serpent. We must put on the whole armor of God in order to stand against the devil’s wiles.41 Let’s all strive to be there for each other in the coming days, praying earnestly for one another. Let’s do what we can to reach the lost with Jesus’ love and the good news of salvation and deliverance from bondage through Him. He is King of kings and Lord of lords,42 and the Father has seated Him far above every ruler and authority, power and dominion, and every title given, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put everything under His feet and appointed Him as head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of the One who fills all things in every way.43
There is much more I could say, but time and space prevent me from adding those things here. Please consider these things, take them to the Lord, and seek the Holy Spirit’s voice, and the truth of His Word. I do not profess to have all the answers. I am constantly reminded that for now we see things indistinctly, and we only have partial knowledge.44 Thank you for reading; may God’s blessings be upon you.
Sincerely in Christian love,
Peter Turner
- I didn’t not read and/or view all the material linked in the endnotes.
- In my response to Peter’s letter, I included this to him: “I do get very uneasy when we humans go down the ‘God told me’ aisle, though. 🙂 That said, I’ve no interest in arguing with anyone’s experience. However, I will reject the experience if it doesn’t square up with Biblical principle or precept. Just to be clear: I don’t think you went that far, though.”
- I have very high regard for Peter and, though I may not concur with him 100% in all his perspectives, I offer his article for your consideration, knowing he might be the one that’s right on some items and not I. 🙂
- I added my own images. Each one is clickable and will take you to one of my own relatively brief devotional blog posts.
- Available on Amazon as well, of course: the Outback water filtration system.
- I have used my Amazon affiliate links, whereby I just might earn a bit of a commission from anything you buy there as a result of clicking at least one of them. Thanks! 🙂
- Oh, one more thing. I invite you to read this post by me: How I Find Peace Amidst All the Pandemic, Tyranny, Fraud, and Instability. It includes a link to my Mom’s acrostic, “Our Sovereign God.”

Endnotes — Click the 🔼 at the end of the note to return to that place in the article.
- Matthew 24:4-5, Mark 13:5-6, Luke 21:8 🔼
- Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, Luke 21:9 🔼
- The Greek word translated “earthquake” in Matthew 24:7 is also used to describe a tempest on the sea of Galilee in Matthew 8:24 🔼
- Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8 🔼
- Luke 21:10-11 🔼
- Matthew 24:8, Mark 13:8 🔼
- https://www.mysticalchurchofchrist.org/2018/08/22/christ-consciousness/ 🔼
- https://www.faimission.org/wire/renewed-hostilities-threaten-israeli-gaza-ceasefire 🔼
- William D. Mounce, Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words, Zondervan, 2006: p.465 🔼
- Matthew 24:12 🔼
- William D. Mounce, Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words, Zondervan, 2006: p.380 🔼
- W. E. Vine, Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, Thomas Nelson, 1984: p. 470 🔼
- Significant Earthquakes 5.0+ since the Richter scale was developed in 1935 trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs_earthquakes.php, 🔼
- Matthew 8:24 🔼
- https://e360.yale.edu/digest/extreme-weather-events-have-increased-significantly-in-the-last-20-years 🔼
- William D. Mounce, Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words, Zondervan, 2006: p.1305 🔼
- Genesis 1:14 🔼
- See Luke 2:1-12 🔼
- https://www.unsealed.org/2016/12/the-great-sign.html 🔼
- Matthew 24:9ff, Mark 13:9ff, Luke 21:12-19 🔼
- https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15147/christians-global-persecution 🔼
- Matthew 24:10-12, Mark 13:13, Luke 21:17 🔼
- Mark 13:12, Luke 21:16 🔼
- Luke 21:20 🔼
- Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14 🔼
- Psalm 122:6 🔼
- (trouble, affliction, distress) William D. Mounce, Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words, Zondervan, 2006: p.743 🔼
- 2 Timothy 1:7 🔼
- Hebrews 10:25 🔼
- The Pentagon has 180 days to disclose UFO information: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-pentagon-has-180-days-to-disclose-ufo-information/ar-BB1cmeop 🔼
- https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf 🔼
- Pentagon Has ‘Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth’: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/pentagon-has-e2-80-98off-world-vehicles-not-made-on-this-earth/ar-BB178OAS 🔼
- Pentagon Confirms ‘Pyramid-Shaped’ UFO Video Footage Is Authentic: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/pentagon-confirms-pyramid-shaped-ufo-video-footage-is-authentic/ar-BB1fD0QF 🔼
- No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html 🔼
- Retired Navy pilot who spotted ‘Tic Tac’ UFO: There’s something out there: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6174934355001#sp=show-clips 🔼
- 60 Minutes: Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBtMbBPzqHY 🔼
- Matthew 24:24, Mark 13:22 🔼
- 1 Peter 1:5 🔼
- 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9 🔼
- 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Eph. 6:18 🔼
- Ephesians 6:11 🔼
- Revelation 19:16 🔼
- Ephesians 1:20-23 🔼
- 1 Corinthians 13:12 🔼
Very good article, lots of food for thought.
I would like to comment on his perspective of the Covid-19. I agree 100% – my husband and I are both survivors of it. We no longer trust the major news media having experienced the opposite of a lot of things they say that does not work, e.g., that antibiotics does not work in treating Covid-19 but we were given it and recovered.
That we are in the last days cannot be disputed for reasons cited in the above article. Thanks for sharing.