Media Finally Notices Lisa Miller Is in Custody

Pray for Lisa and Isabella

I see this evening that the media finally caught on that Lisa is back in the States and in custody. That sure took a long time!

Now the maligning will resume. May the Lord continue to keep her and sustain her and give her abundant, victorious, loving grace.

And the hunt for Isabella’s whereabouts will probably take on new energy. Whether she chose to stay in Nicaragua or to return to the US, I think we should be praying for her safety and well-being. And her spiritual stability.

Lisa and Isabella Miller

I scanned a few of the reports out there, and I saw only this one even suggesting Lisa voluntarily surrendered: Lisa Miller, mother in lesbian custody case, arrested after 12 years on the run. They reference news reports on the matter, so I obviously didn’t scan the right ones. 🙂

1 thought on “Media Finally Notices Lisa Miller Is in Custody”

  1. They have no legal right to hunt for Isabella, though, and no ability (as far as I know) to compel her to return to the United States.


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