Lisa Miller in Quarantine

She is in Miami at a federal facility and doing OK.

I learned this morning that Lisa is at the Federal Detention Center in Miami. Rather, I learned that her mailing address is there. As a traveler arrived from abroad, she is quarantined because of the Covid-19 epidemic. I don’t know that she has Covid. Nor do I know that such quarantines are done on site there at FDC Miami.

She is doing OK and would like to hear from members of her faith community. Her address is:

Lisa Miller
No. 0147207
PO Box 019120
Miami FL 33101

Remember inmate mail is subject to inspection and reading by prison officials. Feel free to encourage Lisa, but avoid direct references to parties involved. Be sure what you write does not distract any “reviewers” and “proofreaders” from the name of Christ.

My source says, “If you don’t want to wade through all the guidelines below, just write her on a clean piece of white paper in black or blue ink and it should be good to go.”

For those of you who want to do that and/or more, please review the following restrictions and guidelines…

Do Not Send

  • Cards with yarn or ribbon
  • Cards that are padded
  • Oversized cards larger than 8×10
  • Laminated cards
  • Maps
  • Letters in foreign languages
  • Sticker or adhesive signs. (Do not use return address stickers, but make sure you include your return address)
  • Excessive magazine and newspaper clippings or photos
  • Metal or spiral bound notebooks or calendars
  • Polaroid or laminated pictures
  • Stamps
  • Cash
  • Personal items (If you must, contact the facility to find out the rules first.)
  • Anything that might be considered a weapon
  • Internet URL references. (Be sure to remove all email addresses or web site information.)
  • Books or Magazines (But you can have them sent to her directly from the publisher.)

Permissible Things

  • Your own letter, with return address written on both the envelope and letter
  • Letters from children
  • Photos
  • Colorful Post Cards
  • Poems
  • Colorful one-page calendars
  • Articles on current events. A limit of 5 pages of printed or photocopied materials (an individual newspaper clipping will be considered one page) may be received within a piece of regular correspondence. In order to facilitate media review, pages or clippings must not be taped, glued, or pasted together or to other papers.
  • Colorful pictures from the Internet (remove all URL information)
  • Crossword Puzzles (on single sheets of paper)
  • Newspaper or magazine clippings (not too many at one time)
  • Birthday or Holiday Cards

To learn more about this particular detention facility…

Lisa and Isabella Miller

4 thoughts on “Lisa Miller in Quarantine”

  1. I just got a 419 Fund e-mail stating that Isabella is staying in Nicaragua for the time being. Any confirmation of that?


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