Perhaps Philip Zodhiates is unfamiliar to you. In short, he’s another man who drew a prison term for helping Lisa and Isabella escape back in 2009. At the end of this post I have some links to give you background. Anyway, here is a portion of a recent letter from him:
It seems that next week in less than 7 days (March 26, to be exact), I’ll be walking out the front door where I self-surrendered at 2:00 PM on December 5, 2018. Kathie, William and Josiah will be picking me up and driving me to Lebanon Community Correctional Center in Lebanon, Virginia where I must check in by 2:00 PM. It will be up to those there whether I will stay, or whether I will go to home detention. Please pray!! My sentence ends completely on June 24, 2021, and then I will still be on “probation” for 1 year.
I know little if anything about what is going on with the civil suit, other than Lisa Miller‘s surrender to authorities, and Isabella Miller’s release of all defendants, has put the plaintiff’s lawyers suddenly on the defensive. They suspended all depositions at least temporarily. But I have been receiving no updates at all.
Judge Arcara has yet to rule on my motion “to vacate due to insufficient counsel” (2255), even though it has been eight months since the last responses have been filed. This has been surprising in a way, since the statute is so clear that no laws were broken as I truly believed Isabella was a victim of abuse during mandatory visitations. I am still praying for complete vindication.
I have so much to be grateful and thankful for. God has kept us in life and has not allowed our feet to slip. For He has tried us, He has refined us as silver is refined. He did bring me into the prison; and did lay an oppressive burden upon our loins . . . we went through fire and through water; yet He is bringing us now into a place of abundance . . . certainly, God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of our prayer. Blessed be God who has not turned away our prayer, nor His loving kindness from us (adapted from Psalm 66:9-12, 19-20)!
Please don’t forget to be praying at 2 o’clock on Friday, March 26!
Read his complete letter as posted here by Janet Stasulli of the 419 Fund: Philip’s Final Letter from Prison.
If you would like to brush up on Philip Zodhiates and his role in the Lisa Miller case…
- Virginia man convicted for role in lesbian child custody case (World Magazine; September 30, 2016)
- Virginia Man Sentenced For International Parental Kidnapping (US Attorney’s Office, Western District of NY; March 22, 2017)
- Philip Zodhiates (Persecution in America; December 21, 2018)
- Philip Zodhiates – Remains in U.S. Prison For Helping Former Lesbian Mother (Lighthouse Trails; February 10, 2020)
- Virginia Woman Returns To The United States To Face Charges Of Conspiracy And International Parental Kidnapping (US Attorney’s Office, District of Vermont; February 26, 2021)