Letter From Lisa Miller

May her light continue to shine with the glory of Jesus.

Greetings in the name of our Lord, the ONE Who is All-Knowing. I greet you today from the Florida Detention Center in Miami. I arrived here on Jan 27 and I am still in quarantine — day 21 (my bunkie tested positive for COVID, so instead of being released, today I took another swab COVID test and will wait for the results right where I am — in quarantine.), in a 2 bunk, approximately 14 x 7 feet cell which is locked 24/7.

My food is served through a 12 x 4 inch slot (within the main door) which is also kept shut and locked except when used to pass items such as mail, clothes and books from guard to inmate or when we needed to be handcuffed (we turn our back to the door, stoop a bit and thrust our hands through the opening).

I am so grateful that God knows all I need. Even though I am in prison, God has blessed and spoiled me with rest and quietness after the experiences of being propelled through the realities of being handcuffed by marshals (I had 5 escorting me at one point!), patted down, strip searched, questioned endlessly, fingerprinted at every “station” of processing, and other such memorable actions before being placed in cell 31 of the Solitary Housing Unit (SHU) (in lieu of being brought directly into the women’s unit). My God knows just what I need.

Thank you to all who have written to me. Words cannot express enough how I have been encouraged and built up in Christ by your kindness. Even though you may not receive a personal thank you, (I am limited to how many stamps I can order per month and I am not permitted to receive stamps from the outside), please know that you have blessed me by your letters of encouragement and with your prayers for both my daughter and me. THANK YOU!

Lisa and Isabella MillerPlease continue to pray for my daughter. Even though I believe God IS taking care of her she still needs the prayers of His people. I miss her! Even so, I feel comforted knowing that she has prayer coverage.

Please continue also to pray for me. Pray that I will “make myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them” (I Cor. 9:19b), and that I “give no offense to Jews or to Greek or to the church of God” ( I Cor 10:32). Personally, I have prayed (for years) that God would put me in the places where He wants me to be; consequently, I know that I am to be here. Please pray that I honor God in His choices for me.

In His Service,
Lisa Miller #27502-509
P.O. Box 019120
Miami, FL 33101

I just got this via Nicaragua a few minutes ago. Please note these things regarding snail mail contact with Lisa:

  • Her prisoner number is different from the one given out initially.
  • Address the envelope exactly as shown.
  • Use that same information directly on the card or letter you send.

PS: I do not have direct contact with either Lisa or Isabella. Also, I added the photo above; Lisa did not include it with her letter.

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Above all, love God!